Running naked behind a male stripper in the ... - Bridge to 10K

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Running naked behind a male stripper in the Alsace

mfamilias profile image
35 Replies

Mfam is officially pooped today after a 1600km return car trip for a weekend of running and friends. Saturday afternoon was dedicated to cheering our under-sixteens around their 900m and 2200m runs. I was very jealous of their medals with storks wearing pink Puma shoes - only the children and the marathon runners got one. I did consider signing up for the children's run but had a feeling I might get rumbled, even if I did the run on my hands and knees. I also tried to negotiate with my friend's six-year-old yesterday but he refused to swap his medal for my bottle of Pinot blanc and a straw, and his mum told me off.

Sunday was ZE big day of the Molsheim Vineyard Marathon 10km. (I had planned to do the HM, but all the places sold out early). As indicated in the title, I ran naked! Meaning, of course, that I ran all 10 kilometres through gobsmackingly beautiful scenery without... my headphones (Gizmo the phone threw a loopy whilst we were waiting at the starting line, so I put the headphones away and decided to run without. It was the best decision I could make - the atmosphere was just amazing).

I ran with my pal Starman, who didn't say a word about my running technique, and lolloped happily alongside me, behind me and in front of me for the entire run. A good third of it was more like cross-country running, with lots of slippery mud and puddles. I was glad I'd taken the Purple Perils (my faithful old Kipruns). We stopped briefly to soak our friend at the water stand with a hosepipe, and give him a big sweaty hug.

Though I say it myself, we were the sassiest girls of all the 1300 runners. I'd say that at least half of the runners were in fancy-dress - there were cows, dogs, nurses, nuns, Jack Sparrows, super heroes, bunches of grapes and much more. There were a lot of women setting their pace behind a whip-bearing male stripper wearing nothing but trainers, socks, a black G-string, a bow tie and a hat, whilst another gaggle of girls were following in the wake of the local fire brigade, running with their helmets and full fire-fighting gear. There were also a good deal of punk wigs with various flag colour combinations on them - there was a gang of Germans hot on the tail of a French cockerel (I have since counted a total of 22 different nationalities on the board, and established that the runners were aged between 16 and 74!).

As for us, we settled for girly attire - I pinched an age 10 princess skirt from the kid's dressing-up box, tied up my hair in two panhandles on my head and went wild with a few spots of colour on my cheeks. The photo says it all - I had a whale of a time.

Time-wise, we came over the line together with a time of 1 hr 8 mins (official time) and just under 1h 5' according to Kermit the Garmin. We were light years behind Kiddo and his nationwide athlete BF, who cruised over the finishing line together at 48 minutes. Everyone is thrilled... and I need a siesta.

I'm now staring at my freebie t-shirt and bottle of wine, and pinching myself to believe it's true. 18 months ago, I couldn't even run for the bus, and decided that I would run this race in June 2016. So here I am. Thank you, C25K. And thank you to all you loons for supporting me along the way. You guys rock.

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mfamilias profile image
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35 Replies
B0bP profile image

Brilliant post, sounds like a lot of fun was had all round.

Congratulations 😀

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to B0bP

Thanks ;) Yep, it was great fun. I'm all fired up to sign up for a new one now.

AncientMum profile image

Fantastic piccie, Sweetie. Gives a real flavour of the day. Sounds like the most brilliant fun and, on top of that, you came in in a great time. What I want to know though, is how come there's no photo of the whip-bearing male stripper in the g-string and bow tie?? Also, why do none of the events I enter have wine in the goodie bag??

On a serious note, you've achieved amazing things in the last 18 months *and* your posts and comments have been a joy to read. Well done Mrs (or should that be, très bien, madam?) xxx

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to AncientMum

I'll take the "well done, Mrs" - reminds me of home! I'm proud of myself, and particularly of getting Kiddo running. I couldn't take any pics of Mr Stripper, I was too scared I'd fall flat on my face in the mud. He kept having his bottom slapped by people overtaking him... bet that if he had any cellulite it was gone by the time he got home :)

It's the first time I've had wine in the goodie bag - beats the crap out of the tomato sauce and box of breadcrumbs I got in Nice! I have made a mental note to enter more races in wine-growing regions in future.

Noaky12 profile image

Congratulations & uber pompom waving mfam! Awsome job, especially given your period snotty sinusitusy yucky stuff!!

You rock!

Love the pic, but I too want to know where the pic of the male stripper chappy or those firemen is? (What has Rig started on this here forum??)

Mucho congratulationios sweetie xxx

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Noaky12

I can see your pompoms from here, Noaky! I'm keeping an eye out for the photos that will come up on the website (eventually) - if they are on there, I'll do a screen shot for you :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to mfamilias

Please! :)

Irishprincess profile image

I really enjoyed reading that Mfam. Really fab post and piccie. That sounds loads of fun and I'm just envious that I can't seem to find races like *that* here. You managed a really great time too. A round of applause and sending you lots of congrats.

* nearly naked men, firemen in uniform and wine 🤗

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Cheers, medear! The French seem to like having fun during their runs - on my first official 10k I got overtaken by a gang of champagne bottles with hairy legs and the Warner Bros Coyote :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Beginning to sound like a fantasy run.... can you imagine it in the sunny UK?

Builders' bums, grease-stained overalls and strong tea.. :) Lovely !

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Some builders' bums are quite nice ........😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

I know..... :)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I saw builders' overalls on the run - but dungaree ones, worn by Stuart the Minion. :) I have a feeling that anyone running in a g-string in the UK at the moment would run the risk of getting 1) arrested or 2) pneumonia :)

poppypug profile image

Ahhh mfamilias , what a fantastic day you had, sounds perfect !

Its funny isn't it , you put a post up before this race querying changing your pace and you were a bit worried about " struggling " a bit, but in the end it didn't matter a jot did it , because you had such a fantastic time ! :-)

I love these big events , theyre a right laugh aren't they ? Though Ive never taken part in something quite like this, sounds like Party Central !

Love the write up, love the photo and love you to bits ! :-) xxx

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to poppypug

I'm still grinning my head off :) I ran slower than I could have, because it was all about enjoying it (and also about not falling over in the mud for much of the run). Love you too, Poppy! Big squishy nuggs to you, cupcake xxx

Sandraj39 profile image

Oh Mfam that is a truly fantastic picture! Love it! Sounds like you had a super day and great time too🙂! Congrats also to your Kiddo - 48mins!! Amazing!😀 x

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Sandraj39

Ta muchly, my dear. It was a fab experience - we're already badgering our pals up there to get training for next year so we can run as a gang!

As for kiddo, I am soooooo proud of my little man (ok, not so little). He started running when he asked to come running with me on week 4 of C25K to "find out what you're up too"... now I don't see the little bugger for smoke, he's on the horizon within minutes!

aliboo70 profile image

Wow what an adventure! Love the outfits!😊lots of pom pom shaking post event here for you! Sounds like lots of fun! 😆😊xxx

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to aliboo70

Thanks, Aliboo - It was a rocking' good run, you're right. As soon as the videos and the official pic come out, I'll post them. There were stands all along the way with cakes, wine and dried fruit... oh, and water. For the buddy duddies like mfam who would keel over and sleep in a ditch if they fueled their run with wine.

Oldfloss profile image

Wow.. i would have run fast so I could check out his......... running style :)

You look amazing... what an inspiration you are! Wine too... now that is what I call a goodie bag!!!

Lovely post...:)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Cheers bubs :) I was running just behind him at one point, but I think his glutes were better than mine because he disappeared when we tackled the first hill... Probably just s well as I don't think Starman would have resisted the temptation to flick his G-string elastic for long :) I've been checking out the other wine-winning races - running in France is a good way to fill your wine cellar :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to mfamilias

:) ... and running is good for you isn't it, so a really good reason to do it! maybe there might be some short races where I am.. !Hmm...plot, plot!

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

They're not daft, the bottles of wine only seem to be awarded for 10K or more. Kiddo and his BF both got a bottle of wine too - they're only 16! They were chuffed to bits :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to mfamilias

Wellll... I am nearly up to 9 K..maybe by the time I go in August.. could I go slowly...? :)

Did you confiscate or share ? :)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

My pal who is looking after Kiddo for the week niftily intercepted the boys at the finishing line :)

runswithdogs profile image

Sounds like a fantastic time, and the picture is great. You guys look like you're having a riot. If ever visit France, I'll have to schedule it around one of these races. How can you say no to a goodie bag with wine??

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to runswithdogs

There are a fair few "wine" marathon events in France - and lots of fancy dress events too. We opened the bottle of wine last night - a very decent 2012 white, which was definitely not to be sniffed at. I'm paying the price this morning though - hardly ever drink these days and my brain is doing an Amy Winehouse on me and singing "no, no, no".

Curlygurly2 profile image

Ohh that looks amazing! Just look at your grin! If you ever hear of something like that near us ( and I checked, you're really not that far from me) let me know!

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to Curlygurly2

Consider that plan officially adopted, CG :)

misswobble profile image

All this race fun brought to you by Couch to 5k 😊 just think, all this racing fun and games would not have been on our radar a little while ago ☺

Well done Mfam! That sounds an absolute blast 😁 Decent goodie bag though but 😊

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to misswobble

Yup, both of us mentioned it when we met up at the finishing line (kiddo had had the time to stretch, have a drink, read a novel and have a siesta by the time I arrived, but hey ho...). Pure magic!

misswobble profile image

Read a novel! Tee hee 😁

ju-ju- profile image

brilliant, fabulous post and what a cool pic too!!

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks, Juju! I had almost as much fun writing the post as I did running. Almost :)

RunningForBroke profile image

How absolutely awesome!!!! I'm so pleased for you! It sounds like this was a fun (and hilarious) run. Shaking pompoms for you this time!

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