Don't worry - don't panic! - I'm not thinking of giving it up! But thinking of what the future holds for me. After, I finish this HM in early July, having done two HM's, I think I can say to myself "been there - done that" and observing friends who have been training for a full marathon, I think I can now say that is not for me.
So - what is for me?? I started out 3 years ago , not being able to run at all and wanting to. Now I can!! But what to do with it??? I am not one of those who gets any kind of pleasure or satisfaction with trying to get faster parkrun times or going longer distances. But I do get pleasure mixing with the activities of other runners - eg parkrun and my local running club. I can "keep up" with parkrunners - I usually finish somewhere in the middle of the pack each week - and am very happy to accompany slower runners at the back of the pack But I cannot really keep up with the club runners -- although some I can currently keep within sight. I think now that my future solo running "training" will aim to "keep up" a bit more with these people - no particular length of run in mind, but maybe 14 KLms ( length of the annual Sydney City to Surf run with 80,000 others) will be my maximum.
has anybody else reached an almost existential turning point in their running - what plan have you got to keep on doing "it" for the next decade??? - once you have passed the HM or M goal or gotten your 5K PB under xminutes -- what is your greater goal???