Unfortunately, the recent diagnosis of my mother suggested "Invasive carcinoma of lobular type: nuclear grade 1 to 2" in her breast. We are from Bangladesh. Our family is interested about India for her better treatment. It would be very much helpful for us if you please suggest us the best Indian Hospital for breast cancer treatment.
Invasive Carcinoma of lobular type - Breast Cancer India
Invasive Carcinoma of lobular type

Hi Sujan, sorry to hear about your mother..there is n number of hospital for cancer treatment...below is the list of good cancer hospital in delhi...
RGCI- rajeev gandhi cancer hospital
B. L kapoor
Puspanjali crosslays
Dharamshilla hospital

Mumbai: Tata Memorial Hospital.
Delhi: as mentioned above by Manish.
Dear Sumeet
I have one more query. Considering the diagnosis of "Invasive Carcinoma of lobular type", can you please suggest me an approximate length of the total treatment? I mean, tentatively how many days does she need to complete her consultation with doctor, surgery, medication and chemotherapy?
There is Indo-american cancer hospital & Omega Hospital in Hyderabad..

What's her age and over all health?

Breast cancer is one of the top 2 cancers in the world seen in Women.
This is not a rare cancer, whose treatment is restricted.
There are really high good quality centres in Bangladesh as well
There is nothing magical about any Best Indian centre here, more important is you get treatment which is appropriate for you.. You should not be undertreated and you should not be overtreated.
Few nice centres from Bangladesh are:
1. Institute of Cancer Research Hospital
2. Parkway Cancer Centre
3. Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital
You will need to consult an Oncologist and based on your tumour stage, and other prognostic factors, your treatment will be decided
Possible treatments your mother may have
1. Surgery
2. Chemotherapy
3. Radiotherapy
4. Hormone Therapy
5. Biological Therapy
Some patients may have all these treatment, some may have a few.
Of course, in India, we have our best one and only -- onco-surgeon, Dr Sumeet Shah
based in Mumbai who is doing an incredible job of spreading awareness about Breast cancer and through social media has crossed international barriers in the hope to help thousands of patients whom he has never seen or met.
All the best
Dr Rohit Malde
I am also from Bangladesh.My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014.She is having her treatment at Tata Medical Centre,Kolkata.
Tata Medical Center Kolkata is a very good option for patients from Bangladesh