How do lobular and ductal differ in breast cancer? is there any difference in symptoms, manifestation, severity, metasis, treatment regimen, duration of treatment etc....Can I have some clarification from experts please?
Lobular vs Ductal in breast cancer - Breast Cancer India
Lobular vs Ductal in breast cancer

First you need to know if the diagnosis is lobular or ductal carcinoma "in situ" or invasive lobular or ductal carcinoma. There is a very good explanation of this at under types of breast cancer.
Invasive breast cancers would be treated fairly aggressively. Lobular carcinoma in situ is considered to be more of a pre cancer to be monitored carefully in many cases without treatment. Ductal carcinoma in situ -DCIS - means that the cancer has not spread outside of the milk duct involved. Depending on the size of the tumor a lumpectomy could be sufficient with follow up rather than a mastectomy.
Once you know which diagnosis is involved people here can address your specific questions. I hope the Breast Cancer site helps to clarify things for you. If you are sharing personal information in future posts, once you know more about the diagnosis in question, you might want to mark your question community only (at the bottom of the post). It protects both the original poster's privacy and that of anyone responding to your post.

Symptoms, presentation and most other things remain same. Except some differences related to biology of the cancer, meaning the pattern in which it grows and spreads. Chemotherapy and other treatments remain more or less same.

Is it invasive lobular carcinoma or lobular carcinoma in situ?

This is one for the doctors in the group.