Hello Doctor,
My Mother was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer. We did the biopsy whose preliminary report reveled that it was a grade 3 lump. The complete report will be available in few days.
Since its a grade 3 lump we have been suggested to act fast
So we quickly consulted a Medical Oncologist and he suggested us to start with Chemo and then surgery.
The reason was to reduce the tumor size before performing the surgery.
We do want to start the treatment asap, but want to ensure that we select the right course of action.
1) Can you please put some light on what factors should be considered before starting the treatment.
2) Also it is advisable to start the chemo and perform surgery at later stage.
3) What all reports (pathological) are needed so as to understand, Analyze and decide the treatment plan?
4) Should we also consult a surgical oncologist to get his opinion ?
Greatly appreciate your help.