Breast cancer stage III: Help my mother... - Breast Cancer India

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Breast cancer stage III

sunnybrar79 profile image
27 Replies

Help my mother has been diagnosed with level three cancer after her surgery based on the spread please help me how to go about the kemotherapy as all doctors have diff recommendation wanted to know are drugs used in first 3 kemo same everywhere

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sunnybrar79 profile image
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27 Replies
tiger72 profile image

Dear Sunny:

It's really sad to hear about ur mother. Please don't give up ur positivity & hope. Let Dr. Sumeet or other members reply. Lets see what they have to say. You may need to share more details with Dr. Shah. If you look up the posts from our forum, there is a seperate section on Chemotherapy which may help you in answering your questions.

We all are with you. Please keep us posted.



sunnybrar79 profile image
sunnybrar79 in reply to tiger72

Hi please keep me updated what details are required and that is the exact name of section for chemotherapy

manish_vkg profile image
manish_vkgTeamBCI in reply to sunnybrar79

Hi sunny, we do understand, its tough time for you but nothing to we have so many treatment option...but better if u can share, stage, grade and er, pr result and whats the recommended chemo regime by your medical oncologist based on my limited knowledge, Generally chemo medicine will remain will remain for all the cycles only dose can be rduced and increased on the basis of reassessment..generally they do reassessment after 3 chemo cylcle..keep posted..diffenately all ur doubts will be cleared here.

kontak profile image

Hi Sunny - very sorry to hear about your mother. Its a tough time but we have to accept it as a challange. Do share all the reports - what surgery has been done & as Manish has said do share the pathology report which you might have recd from the lab or the doctor. What the doctor is recommending.

Once you share all the details - you will get a support from this forum

greenbear profile image

Hi Sunny pl read this it may help you

sunnybrar79 profile image

Dear all she has been operated on her right breast and had history 20 years ago as well where she was given radiotherapy and now lump size was 3.5x2.5

As per big biopsy report

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma- Breast Grade III(WHO-ICD-O-Code-8500/3)

Vascular invasion present

17 lymph nodes recovered 14/17 show carcinomatous deposit with perinodal spread

ER+PR+HER2Neu are pending

Again coming back to my main question are ingredients of chemo same everyone and what is cure rate as my mother is 64 years her vital are in good condition as per doctors

shirdi profile image

Hi sunny

it all depends on ur reports and on that basis ur mother will be given chemo. There are different type of chemos means different medicines are used in different chemos. We will take the help of dr. sumeet.

Be sure ur mother will be perfectly ok.

sumeet_shah profile image

Hi sunny, welcome to the forum. Always feel free to ask any doubt that you have, and there are so many here to help you.

As for your question about ingredients of chemo, can you please tell us what chemo protocol is being planned by your oncologist. Knowing the 'chemotherapy protocol' will help us guide you better. Chemo planning also need ER PR and HER2 status, so in all probability, your Oncologist might wait for a few days to get those reports and then let you know.

Keep us posted and we will guide you.

PK53 profile image


Be strong for your mother. If she is is good condition, she should be able to recover out of it. I dont live in India. However i have met few people in my hospital, who are undergoing treatment for re occurrence. They are all positive..... All we could do is give her moral and physical support and happiness to go through this.

The chemo regimen could be different for different cases. DR. Shaw will be able to assist you with that.

I am on Docetaxol+Cyclophosphamide+Herceptin as I am HER2 positive 3+. I had early detection, and went through two surgeries before chemo treatment. I have radiation treatment 21 cycles after chemo.

So the treatement is case specific, depending on the Stage, Grade of cancer.

With prayers


sunnybrar79 profile image

Dear all

Thanks for your prompt and positive response at present I am much scared than my mom so want to get all details as much possible

As if now doctor has said to start with the chemo from this coming saturdays as they would ve using the standard drugs and once er pr reports are in they would change the drug if required

My next question here is for pk5 what does HER2 POSITIVE 3+means

My next quest is to Dr shah

Are their any tools or test to check if chemo were effective or to check if all cancer cells were destroyed?

manish_vkg profile image
manish_vkgTeamBCI in reply to sunnybrar79

Dear sunny, greenbear explained very well but i would like to add more information on the same topic...ER, PR, HER2 they are all hormone receptor means they work as a fuel for cancer cell growth so if we found cancer cell positive for these hormone receptor, then after completion of the standard chemo treatment, dr. try to stop/decrease the production of these hormone in our body...using the hormone check the effectiveness of the chemo...they will perform the routine test as they done for detecting the Cancer...

greenbear profile image

Hi Sunny,

HER 2 positive is also a type of cancer like ER/PR positive.This is also detected in the pathology test done on the tumour. A drug called Herceptin is administered along with suitable chemo drug in such cases. Herceptin is a costly drug but gives better prognosis in such cases. Could you share what chemo regimen your onco is going to administer . I am sure your onco would have ordered to check the HER 2 status as well. Your doctor may be wanting to start with the standard drugs initially and add others according to the hormone receptor status. I am HER2 positive score3 and was given Herceptin along with Taxol weekly for 4 months followed by 3 cycles of FEC every 21 days. I am also ER positive and will be given tamoxifen for 5 years after the chemo. This medication also changes according to the menopausal status.

All the best for your mother's treatment and wish her well.

Bimalnaik profile image

sunny i think you are at aright place you will get lots of assistance here and main you will get emotional help here as we all are sailing in the same boat.

be in touch, dr. shah may take some time as he has to look after OT too, but in general he is very prompt.

dont worry, every thing will be fine. i am going for the 4th (last)chemo day after and every thing went smoothly, but let me tel you i was in the same state before it all began, and truly got lots of courage from this group. do take a good care of your mom, but just dont worry and give up hopes, breast cancers are manageable to a large extent. God bless.

MsLockYourPosts profile image

Sunny - your mother might find it helpful to join this group herself. I was very fortunate to have a friend who had just gone through the exact diagnosis and treatment that I needed and had finished just a couple of weeks before my cancer was diagnosed. As much as I read everything I could and asked doctors a lot of questions, it helped most to be able to talk to someone who had actually experienced what I was going through.

Most important for Dr. Shah or anyone else to be able to provide more information than they have so far will be your mother's pathology report and what chemo the doctors are planning to start her on if they plan to start chemo before it is back. Without that information people would just be guessing,as there are so many treatment options and combinations now, which is a good thing.mTreatment can be chosen to,better fit thempatient's case now. sending lots of positive thoughts across the ocean for your mother and for you as you help her through this journey!


chandraa profile image

Hi sunny,

Sorry to hear about your mom.My mom also was in similar situation.My mom stage III(T2N3M0) and 14 nodes are positive..ER +,PR +,HER2NU +.She underwent surgery in oct 2013.For my mom 8 cycles of chemo and 25 fragments of radiation completed.currently taking herceptin.

please Be strong and give support to your mom.Dont worry, she will be normal mom is normal now after the treatment.You have to be more strong .Only this treatment time is bit tough.Give more care and support to your mom.

sunnybrar79 profile image

Chandraa pkenn thanks for ur support yesterday my mom had her first chemo and had a very rough night could not sleep and kept complaining about fall in BP and sometime rise is BP but when we checked it it was normal every time also she had nubmess on her face and had swelling on her hand where chemo was injected her next chemo is on 1 Nov plz guide me what all things to do and not to do for home remedy also just for update she is 65 and a BP patient

shirdi profile image

sunny give her lots of water and liquid diet. She will be disturbed for 3-4 days with complains of weakness and nausea loss of appetite. But she will settle after 4 days. Her swelling will also go. But if it does not pl consult doctor.

I also had swelling on hands it took some time to reduce the swellling. I think you should think about port if veins of hands are small.

Take care

sunnybrar79 profile image

Thanks a alot shridi she is consuming 2-4 liter of water and 1 liter of milk with good quantity of curd with oats meal for breakfast today she was feeling better in evening

sunnybrar79 profile image

Dear Friend. Suggestion required

Should my mother be taking green tea while she is ok chemo

Also an ayurveda doc has suggested for the consumption of ashwagand mixture of herbs to cure cancer

Also told to have good quantity of garlic and ginger along with turmic and black pepper in food this will help in building strong immune system

My next question is what kind of milk should be given to her and what about egg without York how man can she have in a day

sunnybrar79 profile image

Dear all

Today I have gor second set of reports for my mother it's ER PR HER2 all negative

What does it means as doc said she would have 8 chemo and 25 radiation cycle

manish_vkg profile image

Dear Sunny, it means BCA type is TNBC (Triple Negative Breast cancer) These negative results mean that the growth of the cancer is not supported by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, nor by the presence of too many HER2 receptors. Therefore, triple-negative breast cancer does not respond to hormonal therapy (such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors) or therapies that target HER2 receptors, such as Herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab). However, other medicines can be used to treat triple-negative breast cancer.

check this for detail information

sunnybrar79 profile image

Hi i am writing in connection to my post wich I posted around 10 months ago my mom's chemo and radio finished in April and after that we did pet scan few weeks back and every thing was normal but in MRI report they have stated that likely metastasis was observed that is that and what treatment would it require

manish_vkg profile image
manish_vkgTeamBCI in reply to sunnybrar79

Hi Sunny, did they suggested some other test also?



sunnybrar79 profile image

Manish I am yet. To meet my onco in evening will post after that

sunnybrar79 profile image

Onco has recommend 10 cycle of radiotherapy for full brain and then after 1 month would go for MRI again plz suggest is this the right treatment for metastasis also she has been told to consume some capsules before radio that would prevent cells to transfer through blood which are prity expensive 5 capsules for rs 9000

Yashi5 profile image

Hey has ur mom now?

ayurvedam profile image

For medicine to be shipped to your home for cancer, contact -

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