Dr. Sumeet if u can tell me which is better test for yearly followup in my case (post BCS, Post CT and RT) mammogram or MRI? i am bit confused as physician and surgeon differ in opinion so if u can help?
follow up for stage 1 triple negative ... - Breast Cancer India
follow up for stage 1 triple negative breast cancer.

Lets wait for Doctor Sumeet advice.

Drnm, better to follow American cancer society guidelines...and for ur self satisfaction u can go for any test..my personal opinion.
Yearly mammogram, physical examination....if all well..no need for any other test according to them

As for choice of MRI versus mammography, in most situations, we use only mammography. There are some specific indications for MRI, one of them being dense breast tissue, especially the 'feel' of the breast tissue. Mammography is usually accompanied by sonography as well, and in a dense breast tissue, if mammography has missed something, there is high likelihood, that a 'good sonologist' will detect that. If on sonography or on mammography, we have doubts which are not getting cleared, then we do an MRI. However, directly doing MRI just as a routine, is not encouraged.
I suggest let your surgeon decide what is best for you.
mammography has more radiation risk. my surgeon has suggested MRI and medical oncologist suggested mammo. and i had MRI and ultrasound preop as suggested by surgeon and not mammo. i am 30 year old, post surgery and post radiation, do u think still mammography and ultrasound will be suitable?

The radiation risks of mammography are negligible. The reason of not doing mammography in women less than 40 is the density of breast tissue and chances that it will miss out small tumours.
When I have to decide for my patients, many other factors matter, especially clinical examination. So it will be difficult for me to guide you here, but I suggest you discuss this out with your Surgical Oncologist and do as he says. If he has requested for MRI, there must be a reason for it.
thank you for the reply doctor