my sister has to undergo chemo 8 cycles how to manage it as a caregiver
how to be a good and effective caregiver - Breast Cancer India
how to be a good and effective caregiver

Hi dm2009 - I was also selling in the same boat as yours. My sister was also detected and I was with her every time - surgeries, chemos, after chemo, radiations.
Only thing to tell give her a moral support that we all need her a lot, she will be Ok and all the family is with her. Don't every time discuss on the cancer. Discuss other subjects which interests her. See if her close friends can meet her - this will help a lot. Rest other members will also share with you

dm you can read about in popular post at right hand side..Do's and dont's before and after Chemo
Positivity and moral support are the main among the best things that you can give her. Treat her as equal and not as a patient. Spend time with her, smile and behave as normal as u can. Both our mind & body has the capacity to overcome all the pain. Give her that confidence that she can do it. You will know more from ur own time spent with her & also from our forum.
Yes dm. As kontak and tiger said, I too will say the same, give her moral support. She is truly a fighter. People who have gone through this can understand this well. I remember even when I was on chemo looking on mirror always made me feel so low. So as a caregiver the best you can give her is love and care.
Try her to interact with other patients who too have faced the same. Sharing with them always helps a lot.
Recently, I met with some people who really had made best use of time during their treatment, engaging them with their hobbies.I really got motivated.
Also, ask her what she likes to eat.
hello dm,as all have said just knowing that ur family is with u and giving her moral support will help her bless ur sister!

In addition to all useful replies earlier, I have a few points to make:
- While undergoing chemo, your sister will have some down times. It's natural. During these times, she will need a lot of moral boosting.
- One thing you must know is, while chemo is going on, your sister need not stop the work she may be doing. It is a natural tendency for a caregiver to make the patient rest and do most of the work. I would suggest the other way round. It is essential to keep her engaged in activities, which will make her feel better. As long as she does not get tired, of course. Like, let her do routine house work, let her do things she may want to, do not restrict her; but also see that she does not over do. She must rest the moment she feels tired.
- Let her meet a few survivors, if you can meet a few. Especially of her age. Your Oncologist may help you here. See if your oncologist has a support group of his / her own patients. It's very helpful.
- Listen to her. Pay attention to her problems, try addressing them and keep answer that all is soon going to be fine.
- If she feels fine, take her out for an ice cream! (If your doctor doesn't mind it). She can eat one towards the end of a chemo cycle, just a few days prior to next chemo
- Keep doing what she likes. Diversion of thoughts is very essential. Watch good tv serials, engrossing ones, or comedy shows. They help.
my wife is in stage 3 and had her first chemotherapy and after a week she will have 2nd chemotherapy. though overall she was ok with some weakness during last two weeks , but now she is feeling better.
She loves cooking can she help in doing so , further she has sweet tooth so can she have icecream as you have suggested.
Dear psra, yes she can help in kitchen if she loves to do so...but for precaution point of view, she should not touch sharp things like knife u know wbc count is low during chemo. .if there is any will take time to get heeled. ..icecream she can have it but packed one...let her do whatever she want to do...she should feel happy...thats the prime concern. ..god bless both of u..keep helping and loving her..she needs u...this is the best time to express your love...keep smiling. ..being a husband I can understand ur feeling very well. .
I would just add one more thing. Take care of yourself too. Care giving takes its own toll.
good luck. both of you will be able to tackle this together.

Yes green bear you are right. Caregivers should also take care of them. During chemo I had also lost the same weight . My Didi had lost 8 to 9 kgs and myself 9 to 10 kgs. Its tough - can say very very tough to see