I tripped over in the garden and fractured 2 ribs; while in hospital scans showed lesions; was referred to breast clinic and the cancer was found. I was originally scheduled for a lumpectomy but they found the HER2 & ER positive, so now chemo and targeted therapy followed by surgery and radiotherapy. I was very lucky that my accident led to a speedy diagnosis but I'm still dealing with the enormity of it.
HER2 and ER positive breast cancer - My Breast Cancer ...
HER2 and ER positive breast cancer
Thinking of you and take care I am sure with the treatment they are going to give you that you will beat this cancer
you are so lucky that it was found! Things won’t always go as smoothly as one would like so get a trusted companion - husband, friend - to take notes and help you. Your brain could be all over the place with worry. And the worry just won’t be worth the effort that it takes but, hey, that’s the beauty of worry! Keep healthy, eat healthy, drink lots of water, plenty of outside exercise and be glad it’s spring!
Big hugs!!! Its a lot to take in an process. Sounds like your team has a solid plan. So sorry you have to go through this and are now in the club. Glad they found it though. You got this!! For chemo treatments a friend got me a color book and pens, this helped pass the time. I lost my hair, I opted for fun colorful wigs, this made the nurses and other patients smile, which is always a good feeling brining joy to others especially in dark moments and situations. Take the emotions as they come, they and remain positive. These helped me get through some of my worst days. Best wishes
I would recommend reading the book "How to Starve Cancer" by Jane McClelland. I wish I would have read it prior to having surgery. I read it the 1st time in January while going through chemo (I'm HR+HER2- Did treatment for about 6 months prior to surgery, then chemo, currently in radiation) There are suggestions of things you can do during chemo that might help reduce spread and possibly get regression for a more successful surgery and radiation. It is a heavy scientific book. Some sections might take longer to read that others. A hightligher and pen to write in the margins while reading could be very helpful. If possible get your Vitamin D checked 92% of those diagnosed with BC are Vitamin D deficient. There are no dumb questions to ask your surgeon or Onc.