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auto immune conditions and cancer

Kaaswinkel72 profile image
9 Replies

it is almost a year ago I developed stage one TNBC and was treated with surgery chemo and radiation during 2021. In dec 2021 I was called “ cured”.

i has had Hashimoto disease, on thyroxin for a few decades.

Develloped Poly myalgia rheumatica in may 2017, still on 3.5 mg prednison.

I have been trying to find relationships between the ex cancer and the auto immune conditions. Anybody any scientific evidence that they are or are not?? Thanks.

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Kaaswinkel72 profile image
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9 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

Hello Kaaswinkel. I’ve been considering your post and I certainly don’t have the answer … but have had a few thoughts.

In wondering who might pay for such research, as obviously somebody must, and who would be notified of any results, I’ve come to the following conclusion.

Your oncologist would have his or her finger on the pulse and would know of, or be able to access, any such research, and so would one of, or some of, the various breast cancer charities. In the UK I would start with Breast Cancer Now, but I don’t know what charities are in your country.

Kaaswinkel72 profile image
Kaaswinkel72 in reply to Happyrosie

Hi and thanks for quick response.I really appreciate it.

Yes the oncologist tells me there is no conclusive evidence one way or the other.

And yes there has been a lot of research into these matters, that I could access, and believe me I tried! But nothing “ concrete” so far. I keep on searching..

All the very best.

Hi there. I too have come to a similar conclusion. BC diagnosis 2020 .... lumpectomy radiotherapy and thyroid antibodies found recently ... no meds for this yet but often wondered if this had been my underlying problem all along. !

Kaaswinkel72 profile image

Thanks for yr response…” we “ as clients have to continue being vigilant and keep ears and eyes wide open…all the very best for you!!

DJK99 profile image

Hello. Just seen your post. So sorry. I have Sjogrens and lupus and have had cancer three times in the last 3yrs. I know that those with sjogrens have a higher chance of breast cancer, lymphoma is the most common with it however. I would just google cancer and autoimmune disease (or even hashimmoto's) and you'll get lots of medical papers/research to choose from. All the best to you, D.

Kaaswinkel72 profile image
Kaaswinkel72 in reply to DJK99

thanks for your reply…

I guess you are on yr guard and follow up every chance in your health situation. It makes me real quiet to hear you had a recurrence 3x how you managed that…I supposeit is “ just” a matter of having to manage “ it”….what else can you do

I could nt really find much regarding the relationship Ca and autoimmune diseases apart from some old literature that told me that the chance to get Ca. Is less for Hashimoto “ sufferers” but all not very conclusive…

I decided I “ just” deal with whatever comes my way and be vigilant in the meantime….and not “worry” about stuff that might never happen. ….all the very best for you, and thanks again.

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Kaaswinkel72

Hey Kaas, well I think the more it occurs, the more you get used to it - has been like this for me anyway, hope ok to say that, we all deal with this so differently and, v importantly, I actually don't have any close family now (am 59 and my brother just died of Parkinsons at 62)... If I had children, a partner and close family, well, I think I'd be doing all I could to keep myself around do them, and be quite worried all the time. So, for me... re the recurrences, I'm ready for when it happens again... and, as for now, I can't stay at the level of shock I was in the first time around.. I'd be exhausted! I also decided to ruddy well enjoy my life, such as it is, as much as I can going forward... I truly love my music, nature, my friends, colours! I bring them all into my life each day.. and, boy, does it help!

Just put in "hashimoto's disease risk cancer" and this popped up plus a lot of other research, so, maybe helpful to read - I hope won't be unhelpful, of course:

"Patients with HT had a statistically significant higher incidence density ratio of colorectal, breast, uterus, prostate, kidney, thyroid, and haematologic cancer compared with the comparison cohort".

Cancer risk in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a nationwide cohort study

All the best to you, live for now I say.. I went through a time of a ton of reserach/trying to find "how long" etc etc... and I did find some info that gave me that... looking the plethora of my stuff together.. but I came out of, OK, I have that now, so now what?? And so now I embrace love of the life I have, the little things to the big.. now... and keep positive/good people around me, not the reverse.. (I'm quite down to earth and all that.. so not my usual way of speaking.. and possibly rather condescending... but so hope that's OK to say, if not, know that I come from a good place).


Kaaswinkel72 profile image
Kaaswinkel72 in reply to DJK99

what a lovely response…I will follow up yr. Referrals to those sites…AND I got a bit like you now…so WHAT if the chance is greater or smaller it does nt mske it any more real if it happens or does not happen.

The fear is something I feel I have mainly dealt with now by talking seriously to myself and looking back over a year since the cancer was picked up and fear played an important part in my life… There was no need for that really because sofar I did not get a recurrence…so whatis all the fuss about anyway I say to myself. I won t now buy into the fear….

Thanks again lovely of you to answer so truly and sincerley….

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Kaaswinkel72

Believe, me, I know how absolutely awful the ride is.... so, any time x

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