I recently finished chemo and got the go ahead from oncologist to stay with my parents in Spain b4 radiotherapy starts. I was admitted to hospital 2 days ago with high temp and water infection.i got a letter from my GPsaying I was fit to fly and paid for cancer cover. My mum is worried if I get an infection out there my notes won't be accessible and thinks ai should cancel. I figured if I wrote out my treatment plan and converted it to Spanish too, this would help. Any further recommendations as I so want to go and it's in 6 days.
Holiday that my Mum think's I should ... - My Breast Cancer ...
Holiday that my Mum think's I should cancel

I flew the day after chemo and was ok. However on my return as we werrnabout to take off my glands swelled and by the end if tbat first weekback home i was in hospital with neutropenia. On the plans makevsure to wear a mask at all times. I didnt and ended up ill btesthing in recycled air. Keep a check on your temperature too if doc says its ok then go just be sensible... no swimming either 😟 otherwise enjoy it x
Why no swimming?,I would have thought the exercise would do you good,I'm going to Cyprus and we have our own pool in the villa we've hired,was looking forward to that part the most.
Just be a bit careful on choice of mask as you need one designed to last for more than 20 mins. Your standard theatre operating mask is designed to stop saliva and nasal fluid going into an open wound not for protective breathing or filtering of air. Good masks are expensive and you need expert advice. Good luck.
Sorry about all errors my fingers are too big for this keyboard😀
I was told yesterday no pool swimming for a few months as chlorine can affect your skin as it reacts with the treatment also a higher chance of catching an infection, same with jaccuzi steamroom and sauna. However check with your oncologist as it may be different depending on treatment.
My GP gave me a prescription for antibiotics which I collected from my local pharmacy and took them with me 'just in case' ... I never needed them but it was reassuring to have them with me. I still have them ... just in case
I would ring your oncologist and double check .. I was told not to holiday abroad . I had to cancel 2 !! But check first . Then at least you got it from the professionals X... Good luck xx
I flew out the day after finishing treatment. All went well but is very individual on how you are feeling. Your parents are worried about you but there are medics in Spain if necessary. Your gp will have reviewed your bloods and if they are happy then......
Go for it. Just be careful when you are out there - not near too many other people and, I would say, ni swimming or jacuzzi due to risk if infection. Go and relax and enjoy the warmth and seeing the sunshine and it should give you a boost. I went on holiday during my chemo, but only in UK, and was very careful but it gave me a great boost. Antibiotics to take with you would probably be a good idea. Enjoy it and let us know how you get on xx
Go go go have luvly rest X Kate
Thanx all. Spoken to my consultant who will decide 2moz if all is ok xx
Good luck Sara, hope your consultant gives you the go ahead possibly with antibiotics in case of infection and cautions!
I'm sure your consultant will encourage you to go. First of all, your body has to go back to normal after the chemo, and to prepare itself for the following therapy so a holiday should be "what the doctor recommended". I'll do also what other ladies suggested (and following what your consultant will tell you) and take antibiotics with you. Your parents will be more relaxed knowing that you're prepared for the worst. I wouldn't sit too long in the sun and also, make sure swimming is advisable in a swimming pool which might contain too strong chemicals.
Being with your parents and in a country where you'll be able to enjoy the freshest olive oil and a large variety of vegetables, you'll come back in a fantastic form!
Bon voyage!