Hi everyone,
I am a newbie here so, it's my first time posting.
I'm 28 years old and have lived in London my whole life. For the last few months, I have been experiencing a dull ache in the upper right side of my back (basically my shoulder blade). When it first started, it was easy to deal with, I just had to move positions. Now, whether I sit up or lay down, this ache is making me rather uncomfortable. I have been to the doctors, she didn't seem to think it was anything worth worrying about. About a month ago, I started to get a tingle in my right breast. It actually feels like pins and needles that start from the edge (side closest to my armpit and then moves in to the middle of my chest. Once the tingling stops, it feels like a weird sort of pressure builds up...sort of like if we imagine a tiny person inside my breast blowing a balloon...
Should I be worried??
Keeks x