Yesterday at 7DPO I got my period. It's a lot slower and lighter than usual but too heavy to be implantation bleeding. It's bright red and there are a few clots here and there. At 6 DPO I was presenting PMS symptoms. Could it be a wonky period because ive been stressed and eating less or am I just experiencing heavy implantation bleeding with some clots and tender boobs before the period? I'm so confused.
Day 1 of AF- Medium, little to no clots
Day 2 of AF- Medium, Some clots, started becoming lighter after a long day
Day 3 of AF - Dark brown blood and stopped for a few hours.
Day 4 of AF- Dark Brown blood and then bright red blood. Became heavy and had clots.
Thoughts? I'm not sure if I'm experiencing heavy implantation bleeding. I decided to take a HPT and BFN after 2 days of bleeding. Could it be because of the morning after pill I took 2 months ago and that i'm stressed and thats why I'm experiencing a wonky period?