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So so desperate for a baby I think I’m going to burst! Are you with me? What’s your TTC journey been like so far?

JojoWash profile image
4 Replies

Hey guys 👋🏻

Do you feel this absolute pain and longing??

It’s completely taking over my life!

We’ve had two miscarriages this year! First was at 10 weeks and second 8 weeks but baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. My whole of 2019 I’ve spent pregnant, losing baby, bleeding, waiting for operation, waiting for proper period, waiting for positive test, waiting for ovulation!! It’s just crazy!!

I’m popping supplements left right and centre! All at different times of day! I’m using first morning wee to check for ovulation, if not ovulation for FSH test ( bought on amazon) to see if levels are normal. Supposedly if they are high your not producing eggs like you should, did first today, next one in 7 days and then 7 days again. I have home progesterone test on Friday, which has to be 7 days after ovulation.

I have blood tests on 2nd December and then waiting to see if period comes on 6th December!

It’s a whirlwind of reminders but I feel if I’m not doing those things I’m going to go crazy!

What’s your TTC journey been like so far?

When’s your next AF due?

I’m 40 had two boys 2003 and 2005 with no problems!

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4 Replies
c-blue profile image

Hey jojo

We had a miscarriage in June. First one. We went for 12 week scan full of hope to find that the baby hadn’t developed and there was just the sac so I took tablets to bring on the miscarriage as it didn’t start itself. Not long after I thought I was pregnant again. I was then told I’d had a chemical pregnancy which I believe was just my hcg levels hadn’t completely dropped from the first time round. All been a big waiting game as only just had period at the start of this month. I had been on the pill for 10 years and was regular while on it but before that I wasn’t and as soon as came off fell straight away so not sure when to expect my next one but potentially next week or the week after.

We are both taking conception vitamins. And I have started ovulation tests which I probably didn’t start at a great time as I am not sure if I had ovulated before I had started them but time will tell. In my head I was thinking to start them next month but then got too impatient. I keep thinking I shouldn’t buy anymore and just wait but the temptation is too much.

My husband thinks I should leave off with the ovulation tests as we fell so quickly when I came off the pill but I’m the same I’m obsessed with missing something. And I’m a huge stress head as it is and I think he doesn’t want me stressing about it.

I’m 27 and this years pregnancy was my first.

JojoWash profile image
JojoWash in reply to c-blue

Aww that’s so unlucky at your age. I had the same after first miscarriage, had faint positive test. Nature is cruel.

Good luck in your journey, I always found security in the fact I was still ovulating. So ovulation tests a must just so I know I’m still working properly!

c-blue profile image
c-blue in reply to JojoWash

Good luck you too!

I think that’s my fear as waited so long for first period and now I don’t know if I’ve ovulated yet or not. Need to take some chill pills that might help ha.

All the best.

JojoWash profile image
JojoWash in reply to c-blue

Yeah but it becomes a massive thing in your life. Like day to day. Just taking supplements is a reminder, waiting for period is a reminder. Nights out drinking are a reminder because I don’t know about you but when friends arrange nights out I constantly work out where I’ll be in my cycle. Will I be early pregnant etc.

It’s the elephant in the room and men just don’t get it, they carry on like normal because for them nothing changes. For us everything everyday is a different. It’s always in the back of our mind.

I think I need something to focus on. Whether that be ovulation or count down to period. I’m so excited and also frightened stiff by it all!

Do what makes you feel better, whether that’s ovulation tests to see if it’s all working properly, then do that. Focus on seeing if and when you ovulate. Because you can take that information to doctors, it tells them so much and no ovulation can get you tested quicker, get you on clomid to stimulate ovulation, otherwise the doctor presumes you are ovulating and doesn’t take the steps thats needed. We can help ourselves by going armed with symptoms, ovulation dates, period dates, spotting etc, they all point to conditions like low progesterone, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, high oestrogen and much more. So we help ourselves paint the bigger picture.

Don’t stress about chilling, if focusing on studying your body and what it does helps you then do it.

Good luck and add me to keep in touch 😊

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