Meeting about me : Hey I am having... - British Pregnancy...

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Meeting about me

Starlight_ftm profile image
13 Replies


I am having the team of professionals involved in my care all attending a meeting about me on Tuesday. I find it really surreal because it’s good to get support but I also find it a little embarrassing / uncomfortable as not sure what will be said. My psychologist is amazing so I know she will have my back, just curious has anyone else had this?

Midwife / Perinatal MH nurse / psychologist and whoever else will be there!

My ocd and anxiety is through the roof 🙂

thanks for reading x x

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13 Replies
everyrose profile image

Hi Starlight,

Haven't been in the same situation, but just wanted to say I hope that the meeting goes well. Do you have the opportunity to attend or send anything to the meeting?

Hope that things improve with your anxiety and OCD and you get some support. Let us know how it goes.

Starlight_ftm profile image
Starlight_ftm in reply to everyrose

Aw that’s so kind of you to write that nice comment :) thank you! I’m sure if asked they may allow but they haven’t invited me and to be honest I think I’d be abit shy and self conscious to attend. I know my psychologist who I’m seeing the next day will fill me in! I see it as a positive but it’s so new to me that I think it’s abit anxiety provoking :-D once again though I appreciate your kind words! Have a nice weekend

everyrose profile image
everyrose in reply to Starlight_ftm

How did it go today?

Starlight_ftm profile image
Starlight_ftm in reply to everyrose

Thanks so much for checking in :) they had my care plan apparently and went through that - seeing what eachothers expectations were. I also got report from psychologist and was very accurate so at last seems like people know what they doing lol x

everyrose profile image

So glad it seemed to go well. Any more support offered for you? Hope you are doing okay.

Starlight_ftm profile image
Starlight_ftm in reply to everyrose

Hey :) thanks so much! Still will see psychologist each Wednesday and the other staff sporadically! Can’t believe how fast pregnancy going!!

Ended up in hospital today as they worried I had blood clot in leg but it was ok :) just abit swollen and fact baby getting heavy probably 😂 how are you

everyrose profile image
everyrose in reply to Starlight_ftm

Gosh glad you are okay after being in hospital! How is your leg now?

I am okay. Not actually pregnant at the moment- about to start trying, but have been trying to get my mental health in a better place first, which is why I wanted to respond to your post. Management of my depression is better now, but think I will still need my meds. Hope I am now in a place where I am well enough to be a good mum! 🍀

Starlight_ftm profile image
Starlight_ftm in reply to everyrose

That’s great and no worries at all I’m very glad you posted, you seem kind :)

I have been using Perinatal mental health services so perhaps you can chat to them if you’re in the UK because they can give advice and support even while you are trying :) I didn’t know that until I met with them when pregnant! Do you mind me asking what mental health difficulties you have ? X

everyrose profile image
everyrose in reply to Starlight_ftm

Had depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. I remember having trichtillomania (compulsive hair pulling) in my early teens, which I think was down to anxiety. Became depressed around 15 and made a suicide attempt. Was in hospital for a week, but sadly wasn't given any psychiatric help at that time, but have had a fabulous GP for about 5 years ago (am 29) and am getting much better support now.

My anxiety is pretty well controlled, but still get very depressed at times. I am seeing the community mental health team on 22nd and hoping they will refer me for perinatal support - thanks so much for the tip, is really useful to know.

When did you first experience anxiety and OCD? How does it affect you?

Starlight_ftm profile image
Starlight_ftm in reply to everyrose

So glad to hear you have a supportive GP, I’m also so lucky to have the GP I do too, haven’t had to see him as much lately because had support from mental health services but always grateful for him!!

I have ocd anxiety depression but what affects me most is ptsd from past trauma. I’ve not been on meds while pregnant and have noticed an increase in symptoms! I only have 4 weeks to go with pregnancy!

Yes def mention about wanting to try for a baby but wanting some advice with it from PMHS and hopefully they’ll refer you :)

everyrose profile image
everyrose in reply to Starlight_ftm

Very brave going without meds. How have you found it? 4 weeks - very soon! How are you feeling about becoming a mum?

Starlight_ftm profile image
Starlight_ftm in reply to everyrose

Thank you. As soon as found out pregnant I stopped diazepam and came off duloxetine. I think the reason I was quite sick probably due to coming off too quick :) they say there’s safe medications to be on but just a personal choice I decided not to, few moments I almost did.

I’m excited - also nervous due to lots of changes because getting married in September and then may stay with other half in Florida for few months. Everything seems very changey haha! How have you been?

everyrose profile image
everyrose in reply to Starlight_ftm

I am thinking at the moment that I might stay on mirtazipine through pregnancy. I have tried coming off a couple of times in the past few years and every time I have got worse again. Not sure though and definitely want to talk through options with someone. How did you make your decision?

Congratulations on getting married. What sort of wedding are you having? We got married last October and it was wonderful. Does sound like lots of change, so can understand feeling nervous. Think it's so normal not to know what to expect though. Have you stayed in Florida before?

Last four months I have been very low again, but unsure why, which is hard. Fingers crossed though because the last couple of weeks have been a little better so I am hoping that I am through the worst but.

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