hi I had a miscarriage in august the end and I started to bleed at home and then the next month after that I got my period again but there in October and November I got my period and I started to bleed after a few weeks later in November and I cant remember my period date my period were normal but now theyre not since I had the miscarriage at the end of august and I'm worried because I no I have been laying on my stomach when I am asleep and now and again I cant get settled anymore and I am starting to feel sick and tiredness I need help on what to do and If I am pregnant this is my 3 pregnancy and my 2rd miscarriage please help
pregnant or not ??: hi I had a... - British Pregnancy...
pregnant or not ??
How many days past your period date are you?. It is worth taking a test and seeing what it says. If it says negative re test again a few days later with first morning urine. If still saying negative best to book an appointment with the Gp to have a blood test . All the best xx
Hi see I don't know when my period was due I normally write it down but I forgot to but it I am sure it was meant to be due the 5 of this month I am just probably stress with Christmas and family stuff I be getting a test on Monday and I be going straight in to the doctor to confirm it xxx
It is possible that you're pregnant. But unless you've missed your AF or got a BFP on HPT what makes you think you can have a miscarriage this time? If it's bleeding it could be implantation or perhaps an AF. If your previous MC was an early one - like 3-5 weeks I don't think it should have an effect on your AF pattern for so long, in general. If you've had a chemical pregnancy there's no way the HPT can tell you about it now. Beta can still give you a hint about it until a couple of days post losing it. I hope it's not a chemical pregnancy - fingers crossed. I had two of them that the Dr straight away dismiss. But I'm still convinced that I was pregnant and lost it somehow. Owing to my PCOS I wouldn't know even if I'd have missed an AF because they were never constant nor on time. Stay strong!
thanks ladies for everything a few days after I started to bleed but it only last for 2 days and normally if I am on my period it last 4 days or 5 days and if I tell my partner about it he doesn't listen or has a face on him when I am talking about my period or anything whats going on