I have spinal stenosis which was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I get low back pain and also a tight right foot. I would like to ask if anyone has had similar and if so, have you any advice on how to ease this weird sensation.
Spinal stenosis Lumbar: I have spinal... - Bone Health and O...
Spinal stenosis Lumbar

Hi I had a look at what spinal stenosis is as I have had odd symptoms in my left foot for years. It only changed when I fractured a vertebrae. My foot would pull when I’m sat with my legs up and my big toe was numb. It used to feel very tight under my arch. I’m finding if I push the walking it can flare up. I’m finding the right amount of walking and just recently I have managed to find a place I can have a very gentle massage have helped. Have you seen anyone about it recently. If not it might be worth getting checked before starting doing anything just to be sure where you are with it now. I don’t have the numbness now in my toe but I’m guessing the fracture changed the dynamics of my back.
Thank you for telling me your experience. I did have a nerve conduction test back in April which suggested an issue with my L5 . I am now waiting to see a Neurologist which I hope, may come up with a way of combating this horrible foot sensation. I will try a foot massage, perhaps using a tennis or golf ball .
For those who loke me didn't know, spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spine which can cause problems in limbs.
Do you have any symptoms similar to mine? And if so, have you found a way of dealing with this?
I have the lumber pain and my left foot cramps when it is playing up. My guess is the slightly bulging disc in my lower back and the fracture impact on how I stand move etc. I have an old knee injury which has never been locked at and I do think this throws everything out and as Graceissufficient has said the narrowing of the spine will affect the leg and foot. I try to rest when it is bad but if yours is constant that is impossible. I am looking at reflexology at the moment I used to have it and it definitely made me feel better in general. A reply on my massage post has mentioned thi chi which I believe helps with keeping the body core strength and I am looking into that.