A week ago, whilst running on a treadmill, I had a sudden sharp pain in my lower back and glute/buttocks left side. At first, I, and my physio, thought it was a muscle pull.
But then the muscle pain seemed to lessen in my buttock & be focussed in my lower spine. My dexa scan, for my spine, is -3.6.
Yesterday, the pain shifted to my buttock again, no problem in spine. I saw my physio and my doctor who did a few tests. Both think it's muscular.
But today it's not in buttocks. The pain is back in lower spine area. I have had a rucksack & that hurts more - which scares me as the doctor said pressure on the shoulders is a test of a spinal fracture.
It hurts when I walk, okay when I turn side to side, no other symptoms. Weird that it shifted from back to buttock to back again.
Has anyone had an osteop related spine fracture? What did it feel like? I cannot stop worrying - I feel so low about the possibility that this will be what I fear, a fracture.