It has been 18months now since I fractured my spine ,although it seemed to heal OK it is still giving me a lot of discomfort the only time I can get comfort from it is when I am sitting with soft cushion behind me any ideas as to why I get this
Spinal frature: It has been 18months... - Bone Health and O...
Spinal frature

I don't want to depress you but my 1st fractures were almost 5 years ago, it's not until I was put on Oxycodone for my last fractures because they won't heal that I can after nearly 5 years sit down.Hard to believe that unless in a car or eating a meal I didn't sit down.
It was too painful, I can sit up to about an hour now but usually lie in the sofa.
The pain clinic has been wonderful, I'm under RUH Bath, and she put me on Duloxetine as well, I had been a lot better, doing more until Friday, I stupidly got down on the floor to see why a lamp wasn't working, thought it was easier to get down than bend down, but have done some more damage🤷
Try and get an appointment with the Pain Clinic, they're really helpful.
Also I've had a couple of phone appointments with the Osteoporosis Psychologist, I had one unexpectedly this morning, that's beyond helpful.
They can really help you to change the what ifs and it's definitely making me more accepting that my life's changed beyond recognition to what it was before my fall.
I really hope this encourages you to call your Dr for help, I've also had hydro therapy, that's bliss getting into the hot water.
Basically, sadly, you have to lay it on thick and heavy these days to get help, but by admitting that I was really struggling with accepting the change of life style I've had lots of help.
I know it goes against the grain, it did for me for over 4 years, I suffered in silence, but the last fractures broke me down and I've had to ask for help and I'm so relieved I did which is partly why I'm so active here, trying to encourage folk to get the help they need. The help is there, but I do realise some hospitals are better than others. I'll be thinking of you, pain is so demoralising, don't be scared of saying you can't carry on living like this, it's when I broke down at the drs that I got loads of help.
Gentle hug
Sorry to hear you have had so much trouble with your fratures I think I will ask to be referred to pain clinic ,I've had three fractures ywo were small I don't get any trouble with them thank goodness it the last big one that is the problem thank you for your reply take care
Hi CinnamonRose. Like you I've had hydrotherapy at the beginning of 2024. It's wonderful. Have been referred to the pain clinic and have a phone appointment with pain clinic in February. Any advice gratefully received. I am still seeing the spinal specialist for my fracture. Good luck for 2025.
Hi ABwn I always find writing a list of things to go though is helpful, otherwise after I put the phone down I think oh blow, I should've asked about that!Be frank about the level of pain and what you can and can't do. They should be able to see what you're on but have a list of your medication.
It was the pain clinic that changed me from Pregabaline to Duloxetine and I feel loads better since being on it, the shooting pains have stopped.
I was on Zappain which is paracetamol/codiene but they didn't really do much so they changed it to Oxycodone, it's a better form of morphine.
They can also refer you for physio/hydro/scans/mental health so if you're struggling with the change of life style, need a home help they can refer you.
The appointments seem longer than usual, they don't hurry you
Hope this helps x
Hi Cinnamon - thank you so much for your advice. Like you I'm on zapain, but they aren't doing that much for the pain now. I'm also on amitriptyline. Because I have osteoporosis and managed to "ski" across my bedroom carpet and give myself a compound spinal fracture. Painful! And as I'm now 75 my rheum nurse has put me on Prolia for the rest of my life. 6th monthly jabs. Have been very lucky with my physiotherapist. He referred me for hydrotherapy after I fell. The team were wonderful. I was so lucky. Will take your advice about making a list. Thank you.
Take care and hopefully have a pain free 2025.
Hi Cinnamon Rose. Had an appointment with GP yesterday. Took list of problems in with me, including zappain not having much affect on pain. At the moment she won't give me anything stronger. Roll on pain clinic.
How disappointing for you, I really hope you don't have to wait too long for the pain clinic!I had some injections at the beginning of December that worked wonders for 4 weeks but I've done something to my back again so feel as if I'm back to square one again, I'm gutted and have that awful desperate restless feeling, I don't know if you ever get it, just want to get out and do normal things but the moment you do🤷🏻😟😓
So sorry this has happened Alice. I got a T9 compression fracture in October 2022. No idea how it happened. 2 years on I'm sorry to say I still get pain. Most days it's an ache but now and again it flares up for seemingly no reason and I'm in agony. I've been referred to a neurologist and waiting for my appointment to come through. The only tips I can give is don't twist your back, don't try carrying anything heavy. Be careful how you move. I found a pressure cushion on chairs plus a contoured back cushion helped me. If you look on the ROS website there are simple exercises for people with spinal fractures to help strengthen the back. Compression fractures don't heal they are permanently 'squashed'. I've been told this changes a lot of your stature. I now have one shoulder lower than the other and also 1 leg slightly shorter. I've also lost 2 inches in height but I have degenerative disc disease too.
If you want the links to the cushions I use let me know.
I have also lost 2 inches in height I have spoken to osteoporosis nurse she told me the same as you fraturrs heal in a squashed position I would be grateful to the link for cushions thank you
These are what I have.
I used the back cushion when in a car too. Even took it on holiday with me it helps a lot.
If you get them I hope they help. X
Same here.
Hang in there...I'm at 2 1/2 years, 10 total spine fractures, thoracic to lumbar, and the pain is 24/7/365. Mine refused to heal, so each one had kyphoplasty, several had to have "egg wrap" kypho, as it re-fractured over and over. I walk outside every day...I find using hiking poles to be an advantage. I eat as much protein as I can get down, whole food diet, no processed, junk foods, no seed oils, no sugars, no grains. Sugars/anything that spikes your glucose can inhibit healing, and my life is healing at this point. I'm not a person to sit down much...but lying down does help the pain...unfortunately, when I stand the spine must re-align, and that is very very painful for about 30 minutes. So I stand as long as possible, then do the sit, stand, sit stand the rest of the day. Eating is easier standing up, likely the compression in the stomach area is the problem. I take Norco pain meds...they aren't great, but they bring it down to a tolerable state, allowing some reasonable form of normal life activities. I have to go through the Pain Clinic and all the jumping through hoops, but they are very nice folks.
Your 24/7/365 resonates with me, it's exactly 5 years ago that I fell downstairs and broke my back in several places I take it you're not in UK, what are Norco pain meds?
I'm in Texas, USA. Norco is a narcotic pain med that contains acetaminophen and hydrocodone. It is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. I also take muscle relaxers as the spasms come on viciously at night, and if I sit for longer than 30 minutes. I take both every 6 hours, finally listened to pain mgt doc and went to a schedule instead of waiting to see how much I could tolerate. At some point I realized I wasn't going to be the same after all the fractures, so I had to find some new place to enjoy life as best I can, still be things that make life worth living.
It's tough isn't it, the new normal, trying to accept it and find joy in small things, it's hard not to feel resentful, why's this happened to me, and the sadness you feel when you think of what you'd planned, the places to visit, things to do etc, Hopefully things will get easier in time and acceptance will sit easier . As you say, doing things that are making life worth living and finding joy in everyday things
Hugs xx
Things are easier, but I've cancelled trips, events, family is nearly impossible at times, going out to eat is a chore, it's amazing how many aspects of our lives changed due to the fractures. I used to do many things in a day, now I have to plan, one doc appt in a day, a couple chores, get my walk in...yes, the sadness is real, we are in the stages of grief. So I think I'm on the other side now...learning the new way of living. I refuse to live in we get stronger and get on with it!
Hello Alice70, sorry to hear you are in pain.
Sometimes, if we begin to get a curved spine, we, or at least this happens to me, the muscles at the top of our hips, at the back, get achy and sore from trying to pull our backs up straight.