I had a spinal x-ray recently it came back as a mild superior end-plate fracture at l1, but l1 is not the lumbar spine it's just the top of the spine, so now I have to go back and have another for the lumbar spine.
lumbar spine : I had a spinal x-ray... - Bone Health and O...
lumbar spine

L1 is lower mid-back. The top is cervical C1 to C7, then thoracic T1 to T12, this is followed by the lumbar L1 to L5. Below that is the sacrum.
I treat a lot of prostate cancer. Have you had radiation? The drugs you mentioned cause osteoporosis. Be sure to take K2 to guide minerals into the bones and not organs and vessels.
I had rt/ht in 2014 finished 2016,my testosterone has never recovered that is why I have osteoporosis, I had dexa scan 2022,-2.5,4.1lumbar spine, bmd at femoral neck 0.593,vfa superior end-plate deformity at t12, so as you can see it's dodgy. I am going for my lumbar spine x-ray today.
Good luck with your imaging today. Most ADT drugs permanently stop the production of testosterone because it is fuel to prostate cancer. Unfortunately, loss of bone density is a side effect. I am not sure what suppliments you have available in the UK. Orchex by Standard Process is very good 1 per meal. Not used more than 3 months. Followed by AlgeCal found on Amazon. Then of course K2, Magnesium, D3 throughout. A vibration plate is good and starting with low intensity. Over months gradually build up to a higher intensity. We have not seen a great variation with price. Middle of the road is Lifepro. Used works just as well.The good news is the hot flashes with ADT only last 6-18 months on average. If they are a huge problem, Paroxetine capsules 7.5mg off label is amazing. Normally this is for anxiety. Read the info carefully before speaking to your doc. There are a couple of interactions. Some use Gabapentin but mostly it just takes the edge off. I am not a fan of it. Either are taken at bed time.
Do you take Omeprazole? Or a similar PPI? Just my stoma nurse mentioned it to me yesterday to help with my crazy output but I always thought that PPIs were bad for the bones but I’m sure I remember you saying you took them once upon a time….
yeah I have taken ppis for years, I am now on 20mg pantoprazole a day, they are dodgy but I have got to take them because I have got a hiatus hernia.
Yes they can cause brittle bones. I've been on Rabeprazole for years for GERD. Also on Pred for PMR. A double whammy. Diagnosed with osteoporosis and now have 9 fragility fractures. To top it off former GP upped the PPI to 2x per day as I was having esophageal spasms. I plan on weaning at least to once per day. I take 3000mg D3 and K2, daily.
some say they do and some say they don't, I am on 20mg pantoprazole a day and I take it at 6.30 in the morning 2hrs before anything else, I have a hiatus hernia so have to take them, have you had your calcium levels checked.
some say they deplete calcium absorption some say they don't, I take mine at 630 in the morning 2hrs before anything else. I have just come back from x-ray had to stand up doing it.