hi,I am struggling with what exercises to do, is it ok to do weight training with my mild to moderate wedge compression fracture or will I do more harm, I can do weight training with a empty bar 14lbs,would it be ok to increase the weight because you can only do so many high reps.
weight training with a mild to modera... - Bone Health and O...
weight training with a mild to moderate wedge compression fracture

I am not an expert but would suggest not lifting weights above your head or reaching forward. Perhaps lying down and bench pressing? Or on all fours doing triceps lifts (not easy with a long bar though!).
ros say shoulder press is ok but not sitting down shoulder press.
Thanks, does that mean standing shoulder press is ok? I think you need to be careful not to overload yourself. I know it is also not a good idea to use those lying down leg press machines as they can put stress/weight on your shoulders. Better to squat up and down with hand weights.
Hi. I think it would be best to seek advice from someone like a physiotherapist, especially if they're able to see you doing your exercise. It's probably not about the actual weight but about how you perform the exercise. I saw a private physio a year ago to ask what she would recommend (and more importantly what not to do!) for me with compression fractures.
Margaret Martin's website (melioguide.com) and YouTube videos contain some useful information too so it may be worth looking at that.
It's a difficult balance isn't it! It's important to do muscle strengthening as long as it's done in the right way.
I’ve had fractures and my physiotherapist guided me with returning to exercise. I do now lift weights but have found if I go to high I just cause myself pain. It’s a balancing act. There’s a good FB group Dr Lisa Moore Brick house Bones, on you tube to. Her advice and videos I’ve found to be invaluable. Wishing you well
Have had good results wearing a weight vest while walking or doing household chores. My back density went up at my last scan even though I had only worn weight vests inconsistently. It is the subtle and easy weight work out. 60 minutes wearing 10 pounds and moving is the equivalent of 20 minutes lifting 30 pounds. Have 5, 10, and 15 pound vests as well as a pair of 2.5 pound wrist wraps. I mix it up depending on what I am doing. Don't think that there are any studies out there on weight vests and bone density, but it just makes sense. Ask your doctor about it.