I have read a lot regarding people with osteoporosis doing weight training, but us with severe osteoporosis it's not safe ,I also have locally advanced prostate cancer psa0.03 finished treatment in 2016 but my testosterone has not recovered, have asked for trt but no its having no testosterone that's caused osteoporosis, I am wasting away only 8st.
weight training : I have read a lot... - Bone Health and O...
weight training

Hi Radars, It’s all pretty complicated and hard to navigate. I have been on steroids for 7 years which is not good for bones. I just had a dexa scan and most my numbers increased, I gained bone in the last five years. I walk a lot which is a weight bearing exercise but I don’t lift weights. My wrists did show decrease in bone and have osteoporosis. I plan on adding arm weights and doing more upper body strength training because obviously my walking has not helped my wrists. I also take vitamin D, MK-7, Plant calcium and strontium (not Strontium Ralenate).
My numbers are severe and I have a very weak back for throwing it out. I found out about my osteoporosis in February and it took me 2 months to start gym work outs. I started with only 5 minutes on the elliptical if you can believe. At planet fitness they have a free trainer for unlimited appts.
He started me at the lowest setting on the back extension machine at 10 lbs. I was terrified of fracturing a Vertabrae. Plus I literally have no physical strength to lift any weight. The trainer told me just to do 5 repetitions and he stood there with me while I did it. That was 2.5 months ago. I now lift 20 lbs at that machine plus 5 Reps at 30 lbs, I do 30 minutes of elliptical most days and recumbent bike on tired exhausted days. I do 4 other weight machines too that are for back and hips and arms. I am doing the best I can. I don’t lift weights on days that I am too sore so often I do every other day weights or less weight more often .
I was always a walker but more like a slow walker . Walking is great but I had to switch to the gym bc of a joint in my foot that hurt when I walked. Some people carry 1-2 lb weights when they walk. Or just carry weights around the house as long as you have full view of your path you are walking in .
You will find what you feel comfortable doing .
Let’s see if we can empower you 🙂🫂
If I can do it anyone can . I’ve learned I had no confidence in my body and my strength and now I feel like I am making progress. It’s like a miracle.
Just start with the lowest weight even one pound or repetitions with no weights . There are many beginner YouTube videos.
I believe that carrying weight is not a good idea if it will cause a fall. Just do standard, safe weight training. One Swiss doctor was against that small weights. Better to be safe than sorry. I wish you good luck.
I only do standard safe weight training at the gym . That’s what my explanation is about.
Could you fall by carrying weight in your house?
I am osteoporotic and would rather avoid falls than to start bone strengthening medication which would couse me bone pain and joint pain. I am pain free now and wish to keep it that way. I also love walking.
I don’t think 1 lb weights or 2 lb can cause a fall. 1 or 2 lb standing still with repetitions is good too. I was suggesting to the man who wrote to begin walking with no weights if he can or even 1 lb. We all can start weight training and increase strength. Some people do repetitions with no weights and that is also good.
I did fall twice by only carrying my shopping home. I realised that the safest for me is when I am not carrying anything. I you are fine with your weights than it is good for you, but I will rather both carry anything as I have a bad experience. I just don't want to fall. I will rather train with the machine when I am sitting. That is me. Good luck.
ok thank you for sharing.
Was the fall though from not seeing a curb or step down ? Then perhaps the groceries blocked your view of your path. My pharmacist told me that only 8% of people take their osteoporosis medicines. Most people won’t do it I guess because of side effects so your views are like most.
I am on the edge. T score is -2.5. I feel great and pain free (almost) and I know that after zoledronic acid infusion I could have some bone pain and joint pain but that is not mine only and main reason delaying the infusions.
I have metastatic prostate cancer in my bones. My cancer is still hormone sensitive. I am in remission now. I was diagnosed 5 years ago and as a result of ADT treatment I don't have any visible bone mets now.
I am not a doctor, but it looks like that bone strengthening agents are not recommended in a hormone sensitive phase of my cancer in my bones. I was diagnosed with distant bone mets even in my neck. I had more than 10 mets in my bones and my cancer is still under control with ADT. My bones are probably still healing now.
If I would start zoledronic acid infusions now my mets would stop healing as a result of that treatment. Ok, maybe my bones would be less osteoporotic but my mets would not continue to heal as a result of bone strengthening agents.
I am really not a doctor and it is very difficult for me to say what is the best for me, but I will rather wait until my PSA start to rise and than to request monthly zoledronic acide infusions for two years and to strengthen my bones. The healing proces in my bones in a castrate resistant phase of my cancer would probably stop therefore would not make sense to delay the zoledronic acid treatment anymore. My goal will be to strengthen my bones and to do it intensely and to request Xofigo infusions. Xofigi or radium 223 is delivering alpha radiation to the bone mats and the alpha radiation could rupture my bones if they are osteoporotic.
After tow years of intense zoledronic acid infusions is better to stop as prolonged treatment could cause necrosis of the bone in my jaw.
Plus I don't know how would the zoledronic acid interfere with my immune system. I have cancer and any treatment decision should be taken seriously in a light not to interfere with the cancer fighting ability. Coleman said that zoledronic acid does not have benefit in a forming of the new bone mets in prostate cancer. Zoledronic acid has only benefit in the the certain brest cancer what I don't know which one but i don't have it therefore it is not relevant for me.
I am not a doctor but I don't want to rush with zoledronic acid at my hormone sensitive stage of my cancer when I am in remission and hopefully my bone mets are still healing and that healing process could be stopped with the bone strengthening agents.
Of course the lack of testosterone is negatively affecting my bones and it is possible that I will be forced to make a decision and start with yearly zoledronic acid infusions if my osteoporosis escalate.
As you see it is more complex to make a proper decision in my situation.
For me the at this stage is the best to avoid falling.
I am not even sure how much would it be helpful to improve bone density. Some people could have as a result of zoledronic acid atypical fracture of the femur. As you see is is a difficult decision to make. It is a nightmare and I would like to make a responsible decision but it is not simple.
Professor Fred Saad recommend intense monthly zoledronic acid infusions at the start of the castrate resistant phase of my cancer and to stop receiving these infusions after two years in order to avoid the possible necrosis of the jaw bone.
have you considered a daily tablet instead - many of us don’t want a month supply of medicine in us. I tried a week tablet and had too much gas pain from it . As of tonight I can take another week tablet or go back to daily.
It looks that for my situation the zoledronic acid could be useful. I will have it monthly. I understand that it is not the only option but I really don't want tablets for various reasons. If I get infusion in a public hospital I don't have to pay anything. Of course that is not a major reason, but if they block your bank account than it could be a good reason.
Free medicine is nice but I sometimes think the most expensive medicine has the least side effects.
Which bone medicine do you believe has least side effects?
I had my shopping in my hands and I was destabilized by the weight of my shopping by holding it in my hands. My muscles are weakend by the effect of very low testosterone. It is difficult to balance with weakened muscles in my legs. It was an accident which happened twice.
I am sorry to hear of your struggles. Is there a way to modify your tasks to reduce the odds of a fall? Example: distributing the weight of groceries over more bags, or putting the groceries into a cart and pulling/pushing it into your home? I modified my lifestyle by adopting dogs much smaller than the ones I previously lived with. Also, I once tripped at Walmart because of a misshapen joint in the floor (instead of a narrow "v" it was a wider "u"). I now shop at a different chain, which has filled in joints. I also turn on the lights now when going down into the cellar during the day. And, I bought real court shoes to use when playing pickleball, because I fell two times with my other sneakers. I wish you the best. (BTW, I started using weight machines at a gym and doing a few low-level hand weight exercises. I find that strengthening my back and core muscles has helped with my balance. There are online resources about exercising with OP. I think one of them is melioguide.com. Low-level weight and balance exercises MAY help you. We all have different situations).
I agree with you. We should do everything possible to avoid falls. I believe our balance is very important. Unfortunately that is a problem with again and weak muscles. I am trying to do lots of walking. My shopping is now under 2kg, not like before 4kg.
The problem was actually not in carrying 4kg, but crossing the road. When I stepped down from the curb to cross the road I did fall as it was a more demanding situation with 2x2kg carried in each hand.
Yes I am trying to be more focused and careful. Hope this helps.
Was your trainer trained in osteoporosis? I have an elliptical machine but can only last about 5-10 minutes. I am trying to find someone to guide me as to safe exercises to do. My rheumotologist walked out of the room and basically told me to not schedule an additional appointment because I said I wanted to try diet ,exercise and weightbearing exercising first and check to see if things remained the same, got better or worse b4 medication. He wanted me on Foxamax and said the side effect was deteration of the jaw bone after several years and femur fracture. He said that was better than breaking a hip. So now i will continue to search for a dr to work with me. Currently chiropractor, pharmacist/ND. and functional medicine dr. are giving me help. They all recommend vibrating plates. I talked to another chiropractor who uses vibration machines with his patients with good results. He did say when they quit using those machines some of them fractured. Who do you believe? Good luck
I have heard about the vibration machines at low vibration being very helpful. I don’t think it can do that much for severe osteoporosis though but it can slowly help.
I had severe osteoporosis and do weight training. Reversed my OP I've also had cancer twice. Locally advanced colon cancer which I had steroids for.....7 years remission. Now on Tamoxifen for breast cancer which fortunately benefits bones.
Maybe this is helpful: algaecal.com/exercises I have no affiliation to the product, neither do I use it. But the website seems to be very infomative on many osteoporosis issues.
You don't have severe osteoporosis. Your T score is -2.5. you are on the edge. You should be able to do weight training with machines just try to avoid falling. And try to keep your balance at high level. Can you step with one foot in front of the other foot and again? I realised that it is now more difficult tast than it was 5 years ago. My heart and brain is a problem but I am still happy with myself if I could avoid falling.
yeah but my lumbar spine is 4.1 also t12 and that's severe, and why does my back ache after doing everyday things.
Thanks for the explanation.
Did you have bone mets at lumbal spine and t12?
no bone Mets mine is locally advanced prostate cancer, the reason I have osteoporosis is because my testosterone has not recovered.
Why is the bone density different in your spine?
don't know,I asked osteoporosis society why my scores were different no explanation, but said I should do zoledronic acid which I had on the 25th April, 2 days later I was in a/e peeing blood urinary tract infection was put on a drip all night, then sent home with antibiotics, it is linked to zoledronic acid, I am ok now, I don't think the infusion is doing any good because I still have back ache after doing things, I can still do my daily walk ok.
I have 2 differing scores also osteoporosis in left hip area but spine is fine. Going to avoid the Biophospanate route as long as possible. I am asking my MO to consider a low dose transdermal E2 patch. Many men have been using to stabilize and prevent additional bone loss. It might be something to look into.
Maybe you should see a medical oncologist for prostate cancer. Blood in urin and bone pain in your spine with low bone density are a sign of a metastatic prostate cancer. You should at least scan yourself with a neclear medicine bone scan and possibly with a psma pet scan in order to eliminate prostate cancer. I know your PSA is low, you don't know your testosterone levels and you don't know your ALP.
I am not a doctor but could you ask for testosterone replacement therapy? Than your bone mineral density would recover that way instead of poisoning yourself with zoledronic acid. Did you ask for a referral to an endocrinologist?
I have asked a few times, the latest one was 2wks ago haven't heard anything, doctors have different opinions regarding trt the last reply was not a good idea because there might be some sleeping cancer cells, it's hard work.
I agree, it is not easy decision and we should be responsible with our health and treatment decisions are very important.
What was your last PSA and which imaging did you have for prostate cancer? What and when was your last nuclear medicine bone scan? Did you have investigational CT scan with contrast?
I am asking all of this in order to exclude the possibility of bone Mets?
If you have pain they should organize at least a CT of your spine and possibly nuclear medicine bone scan.
What is your testosterone now? Sorry I just assumed that it is castrate level, but did you check it recently? What was it last time?
0.03 testosterone below reference limit
What is your PSA, or what was your last PSA? Are you on some anticancer medication now? Like AAP (abiraterone with prednisolone)?
Your testosterone is very veru low. My is around 0.3 to 1.35 but mostly 0.8 and I am on ADT firmagon injection (Degarelix) for 5 years now. My adrenal glands (I believe) are also producing testosterone and ADT firmagon alone will not lower that further, but I am fine with testosterone 0.8 as I didn't have visible mets on the last psma pet scan. I had cancer in my prostate and we radiated the prostate.
I could probably lower my testosterone with Abiraterone but I don't want to do that just now as I am osteoporotic and prednisolone would not be welcomed.
psa 0.03 ,finished treatment r/t in 2014 and finished h/t in 2016,i take tamulosin for urine flow and betmiga for urgency, I am on 6monthly checkups, psa as above checked last month testosterone not recovered, don't know what would happen if I was given trt.
What was your last testosterone result?
Maybe you are cured? Where was your cancer located? Did you have cancer in pelvis or only in your prostate? I agree that we don't really know but maybe you could ask your medical oncologist? Do you still have one? Or who is doing the 6 monthly follow up? Uroligist or RO? I am not a doctor but I would inform myself maybe on the prostate site about peoples experience with testosterone after being healed like you from cancer. Start a post here on this HU site. You are now on Free ADT? Try to find your latest testosterone result. The PSA looks great.
locally advanced with seminal vesicle invasion ,my gp does my 6monthly follow up,was with urologist for a while then referred to gp my latest testosterone was below low reference limit, meaning nothing.
I can't talk about you, as I am not a doctor, and everyone has to decide how to proceed with treatments as they are very personal decisions.
But I would try to find out if I am cured or not from an oncologist and ask him if I could have testosterone replacement therapy under very strict medical supervision of a competent medical oncologist.
You could definitely benefit from testosterone. You could improve your strength and bones and maybe you could feel better.
If your PSA start to rise you could just go back to your current normal state of low testosterone (what is it now? What was your alkaline phosphatase before starting zoledronic acid?
Some people are cured. Maybe you are one of them? I am sure that they could advise you if you would ask them what they think about testosterone replacement for your situation. I would at least try to ask them for oppinion about testosterone. It would repair your bones and muscles so you could feel better.
I am just concerned about your spine and your pain and low mineral density. Your PSA is very low therefore even if you still have cancer it would not probably show up on a PSMA Pet/CT scan, but that would be the most accurate diagnosis that you are hopefuly cured. Ask what do they think about you having a psma pet scan?
So, what is your testosterone now and what was your ALP before starting zoledronic acid? Sorry that I am so persistent. You can write this information anytime when you have a time to find it and I will read it. Thanks
Hi Radars, we have just put up some new videos of exercises to help strengthen your bones. Its on the front page of our website theros.org.uk
I have severe osteoporosis in my chest, left over from meningitis when a child! Chest rib structure "fragile" shattered after seizure in 2017, fell off exercise bike!🙄
Taking Decapeptyl Sr hormone injections for suspected PC, almost killed me, really aggravated chest rib structure, PC now seemed unlikely in the first place? 🥴😤🙄Am getting PSA 6months after last injection, for 19th June, last one 2.19! My testosterone [what testosterone?] Wish I could lose a bit of weight, have diabetes 2, on Metformin 1500mg, [need about 35 pounds loss to make target, of 14 stone?]
Actually Hunter recommended vit d3 [4000 max strength] supplement pills which has helped tremendously with my osteoporosis in my chest, I could not sleep with the pain of my refractured ribs, gradually now better with lack of pain and sleep. The PC episode has deadened my testosterone level for good seemingly🙄 but the hormone injection definitely caused the aggravation of the osteoporosis, definitely malpractice in there, lack of looking at my medical records, before actually starting my PC treatment!
Weight loss of 21 pounds needed now, getting there?
I have copied a link to a 2022 research on doing Tai Chi and its effects on osteoporosis. The exercise is very gentle.
DEXA scan gives you a bone density score but if you are in USA I have seen Dr Doug Lucas in YouTube talking about a better scan:
This one company in the UK. It’s not available on the NHS
Also Profortis in Amersham profortis.co.uk/bone-health