I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis early this year and am trying to find a treatment that is natural and effective to help alongside the Vitamin D3 that I take daily. I also have coeliac disease . Many thanks
natural treatments : I was diagnosed... - Bone Health and O...
natural treatments

You might find the Algaecal Facebook group useful there's a lot of information there.
You might find the Algaecal forum helpful.
Margaret Martin looks at Algaecal on her website melioguide.com/osteoporosis...
I looked into it early on when I was first diagnosed and decided against it - before I read Margaret’s review. From what I remember I think it was very e pensive and importing it into the UK would add to the cost.
I prefer to get my calcium through diet and I top up daily with calcium derived from Atlantic seaweed -togetherhealth.co.uk/produc... . I had tried a couple of different calcium / D3 tablets prescribed for me by my doctor but both were calcium carbonate and upset my gut.
So I take half the dose of seaweed calcium plus dietary calcium - I used this to work out how much I get and concentrate on calcium rich foods although I don’t drink milk - I eat cheese and yoghurt webapps.igc.ed.ac.uk/world/...
Like you I eat a gluten free diet, I also take magnesium, K2Mk7 and boron.
If you look through the ROS and Margaret’s website you will find lots of information. Do you know what your DEXA scores were?
Thank you that’s very helpful. My total spine score is -4.4 and left neck of femur T score is -3.5
Hello Balletrose,
After reading your post and your reply to Fruitandnutcase I felt it important to share a different perspective on the Natural way Versus Osteoporosis Treatments.
Your T scores are not at all good and being coeliac has probably contributed to that in a big way.
Going down the Natural Route will not protect your density from declining further and putting you at risk of fractures but it would certainly help alongside one of the Osteoporosis treatments.
I have lived with Osteoporosis for over 20 years and now have a total of 15 fractures in the spine and at least 2 in the ribs.
I have never had a fall or any trauma to cause them.
The sad thing for me is I am oversensitive to the treatments and am unable to take them.
Having said that despite my having bad reactions I have tried everything offered to me and even continued with some of them for lengthy periods of time despite them causing some severe problems.
What I did persevere with showed improvement in bone density but because I could not continue with the treatments I lost all I had gained.
My message to everyone is don’t rule the treatments out before trying them for yourself.
Fractures can cause horrific pain and spasms leaving you unable to even speak.
You can lose height, have Kyphosis, Scoliosis, be unable to feed yourself, make it difficult to breathe and the list goes on.
They can change your life overnight from being able to move freely around to becoming wheelchair bound, and dependant on others.
My last fractures were in the early part of this year and now I still can’t even share in laughter because of it being a trigger for spasms.
This is not written to make people afraid, scared or upset.
It is to raise awareness of how terrible this disease can be if left untreated.
Please don’t rule the treat out until you have done your research thoroughly. xx