I'm really here to have another moan ! Sorry everybody! 2 and a half weeks on and I'm still waiting for my ' urgent ' appointment with Orthopaedics for an MRI ! I seem to be getting worse every day though I try to keep going but hardly slept last night because the pain going further down my back is getting worse and spreading. I had to come to bed today at 1.20 p.m. and my husband had to dish up dinner which I had managed to prepare earlier. I am so worried about being in bed so much but the pain is unbearable and even Oramorph doesn't help now . Thank goodness the Buprenorphine helps my feet and legs most of the time though the ice cold feeling and hot needles are still lurking. I did phone Neurology and spoke to a Secretary who is so lovely and kind and advised that I write everything down and ask my Dr. to send that to the Neurologist and he might help to push for the MRI. I did that and am now waiting to see whether my Dr. will agree to do that. The Secretary checked to see whether I was on the MRI list yet and ...nothing! I am so desperate because I have coped with a lot but this is on another level!
Sorry to moan again and thank you for ' listening ' ....again! 💜 Take care everybody.