I haven't been here for a long time but I really need some advice. My Dr has left me with 2 wedge fracture's at the base of my spine and 3 year's ago I had a DEXA Scan which showed that I have Osteoporosis in my Pelvic bones and elsewhere but have been given no help, advice, medication and had to ask to see a Physiotherapist and beg for help. She sent me for an urgent Xray last week so I'm waiting for the results. I , now, have very bad RLS and I'm wondering whether this is due to he fracture's although that only started a year and a half ago. I was told at the DEXA Scan that there are splinters of bone digging into nerves. This all seems to be affecting my bladder as well but the RLS and the pain have become horrendous. I have to take Oramorph and Buprenorphine for the RLS and the pain. I try to keep going and manage to stay up till about 2 or 3 p.m. but then have to go to bed! I hate this ! I had lung cancer 6 year's ago and was left for 15 months with no treatment....the Pain Clinic had the tumour on Xray but omitted to tell anybody! Long story but before that I walked dog's every day and did so much . Now I can't drive or have a dog because I can't walk far. Is all of this what happens when wedge fracture's are left with no treatment? Any advice would be much appreciated! I am in such pain and I'm, absolutely, desperate. Thank you in advance! Danni
2 wedge fracture vertebrae. Advice ne... - Bone Health and O...
2 wedge fracture vertebrae. Advice needed please!

I had two vertebral fractures of the lumbar spine plus unnoticed until now several compression fractures around thoracic area. The vertebral fractures are what sent me to gp after stopping Prolia, won't go into that too much but Prolia gave me high BP, high cholesterol plus numerous joint aches and pains. I began taking THC free cannabinol which is just marvellous, no side effects such as constipation from Panadol etc. Might be worth a try however not all g.p's will agree with this treatment so suggest you go online wherever you live and find suppliers, you will be required to be assessed by a Nurse from whatever supplier you choose and then passed on to GP to make sure you need this medication
Hi. Thank you for replying to me and for the advice. I have to admit that I tried Gummies which didn't help but I will look into the oil. The RLS Forum wonderful people suggested trying Buprenorphine for the RLS and I managed to get a prescription after a battle with my Dr. and the Pain Clinic and they have stopped the kicking but I still have numb, white leg's with 1,000 needles (!) approx. sticking into my lower leg's! Horrible! I , originally, had Buprenorphine patches but had an allergic reaction to the adhesive which has scarred my skin. The Dr. I have been seeing has been awful and when I tried to change he took over. Weird.I'm so sorry about your fracture's. It's just rotten! I hope you continue to have Pain relief. Please take care.
All the best,
I get a lot of RLS (I sleep in a recliner chair so cant turn over which doesnt help) I am very med sensitive. Firstly, have you had your iron, ferritin checked? Low ferritin or iron can cause this. I have low ferritin, trying t get it up. I get migraine too, they reckon the RLS and migraine can be connected. One thing, not drug, than helps me, is a back brush with short hardish bristles and I get up and brush my legs and feet (I have peripheral neuropathy as well) if I do this I can often settle down and sleep, it seems to calm the legs. I also have a wooden hammer looking roller which I roll down my muscles to calm them too, these two things have helped me. I have had 5 spinal fractures which are now healed.
Hi cmoc. I remember you giving me help and advice before. I have just had my Ferritin level checked and it's 39 which the Dr. has written in my notes as the lower range of normal! I had to ask for the test despite having low Ferritin for month's and I gave my Dr. information from the RLS Society which I don't think he bothered reading as 39 is still low for RLS sufferers! I am still taking Iron every other day so I'm not sure why my level is still low.I have just had an Xray and now have a sympathetic Physiotherapist at last. I don't know how any Dr. can leave someone with excruciating pain! The Physio thinks that the RLS is connected to the fracture's.
Take care and thank you again.
Best wishes,
Hi Danni! You sound similar to my Cousin. She has a fracture in the lumber region and it has splintered and is sticking into a nerve. The pain got so unbearable that she pleaded with the Dr for help. They would have operated on it but her blood pressure is too high and it would be a risk. In the end they’ve given her Morphine patches. She had one at first but it wasn enough so they have given her another one. She is now so much better and her Daughter even takes her out for coffee. I’m not sure if she’s pushed in a wheelchair but at least she’s doing it. I’ve had seven spinal fractures and no matter how many it’s life changing. We can’t do what we used to.
Hi Mavary. Thank you for getting back to me and telling me about your Cousin. Does she find that the patches make her feel shaky ? I take 2.5 mg of Oramorph at 1 p.m. then a 0.4 mg Buprenorphine tablet at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and I am in agony by 1 but the Opioid's make me feel shaky. My Dr. rang me 2 year's ago to tell me that a scan had shown cancer at the fracture sight and I asked how long I had and he said about 2 y- 3 year's but he would " be with me till the end " ! Then 5 day's later rang to say that it was Osteoporosis! Having had misdiagnosed lung cancer that comment niggles at the back of my mind ! The worse the pain gets the more I worry though I try not to ! My leg's have been getting worse for a year and a half although the Buprenorphine tablet's do help with the kicking! You have so many fracture's and I don't know how you cope but you are right, it's life changing and we have to get on with it don't we. You , also, helped me before Mavary so thank you for being there for me again.
I'm waiting now for the results of an urgent Xray which the Physio arranged....not my Dr. ! I'm not used to having to take to my bed even through the lung cancer and I hate it but the pain is overwhelming.
Please take care. All the very best,
Danni x
Maybe you could ask your Dr for Morphine patches instead of oramorph. That’s what my Cousin is on. It then goes straight to where the pain is rather than going into your system so much.
I should add I had a fall three weeks ago this Friday coming. I’m not sure if I’ve broken my ribs or strained them. Whichever it’s very painful.
I'm so sorry Mavary. Are you going to the Dr. ? Please let me know how you get on. I've fallen 3 times which is why the medic's are taking notice and sent me for an Xray. Luckily I don't think that I have broken anything but it could be why my back and leg's are so much worse. I hope you find some relief from the pain. Please take care.
Thinking of you. Danni x
Hi. Thank you for replying. I don't do Facebook and while I know that that's what runs the world these day's, I'm just not interested! I had joined a Forum for fighting against cruelty to animal's and was trolled as were many others! I left that Forum after blasting the person who was being so nasty and decided that I wasn't going to put myself out there again! I keep in close contact with friend's and family and these Forum's have been amazing although I know that trolling has occurred on some forums. I will Google the Dr. so thank you so much for that information. The pain is making me feel sick and it's getting worse and worse.
Take care and I hope that you are getting all the help that you need.
All the very best,
There are private groups on FB where people have to be vetted to join and moderators keep things working well. So don't give up on it altogether! Also private messaging someone on FB does not put you at risk of being trolled. However, you and Raleigh59 can use the "chat" function here to exchange information privately.
Hi. Thanks for your reply. I'm a bit concerned for you because I Googled the Dr.s name which you suggested and couldn't find him.I hope you aren't in too much pain. Please take care.
Best wishes,