I was diagnosed with OP about 10 years ago due to an early menopause at 38 and was put on the weekly medication of Alendronic Acid along with calcichew. Everything was ok until 2021 when I had emergency abdominal surgery, I was in ICU for nine days and my family were told I only had a 30% chance of pulling through but I did but I was very frail.
For a good part of the year I needed to use a walker and unfortunately even with the walker I fell four times. Ended up in hospital twice for pain control for two fractures in my pelvis and a badly fractured sacrum. I also have a fractured vertebrae at t3 which I have no idea how it happened.
Last September I developed Kyphosis and I’ve recently had a DXA scan which has showed my OP has worsened and they wanted to start me on the daily injection for two years. They took blood tests at the time which showed there’s a lot of calcium in my blood which is not getting to my bones. They put a hold on the daily injection and to stop the calcichew for the moment until I have a bone scan, I don’t really know what to expect from this and Google is scary! I would also like to know if Kyphosis can be reversed somewhat? I’m very stooped at the moment and in a lot of pain. I should also add that I’ve had chronic pain for 26 years and having to deal with more pain is soul destroying.
Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.