Hi 6 yrs ago I was told I had osteoporosis I had 2 cracked vertebrae in my spine owing to my dog pulling me thought ide pulled a muscle had xray and was refused dexa scan due to my age was then77yrs old.fast forward 3 yrs I fell and broke my wrist and a small bone in my pelvis a pubic ramus fracture. Not serious Again through my small but very strong dog trying to get to another dog lol.ended up in hos and consequently put on an infusion of zolodronic acid yearly. I had 2 and refused the 3rd due to horrible side affects. Never felt well since. How can they give you zolodronic a I'd infusion without having a dexa scan which I even offered to pay for. But was told that wouldnt be worth it cos most people of my age have got osteoporosis. Long story short my own fault for not asking now have bad knee due to osteoarthritis and difficult to walk far and was walking 40 min every day with my dog with no prob so no I definitely wish I had never had the infusion. But too late now and still don't know if I have osteoporosis just thought ide put my story on here good luck to anyone with osteoporosis hope you do better than me 😀
Osteoporosis : Hi 6 yrs ago I was told... - Bone Health and O...

I hate to say it Dextersam10 but between your age and all the various fractures you’ve had I imagine you do have osteoporosis. Some people do seem to be given bisphosphonates without having scans. Be careful if your doctors offer you Prolia - if that doesn’t agree with you and you have to stop it for any reason you must take a relay drug immediately to avoid rebound fractures and that’s likely to be a bisphosphonate which is what you’ve had.
Could you get someone to help you walk your dog, you can’t go on letting him pull you over etc. you’ve been lucky so far but one day you might not be.
Hi. I agree with Fruitandnutcase in that with your history you likely did/do have osteoporosis. I also agree with you it would have been better to have had a Dexa so that you and your GP could know how bad it was/is and measure improvements. You may still have osteoporosis, so it's not too late to get one to see where you're at now.
For your dog, I use a harness on mine that's made to attach the lead at the front not the back. This way you are not working against their strength and they can't pull ahead too much as the connection point turns them around or unbalances them. Makes my very lively dogs a lot more manageable on walks. Hope that helps.
Train your dog using a simple soft rope slip lead, watch Cesar Milan. You can’t have your dog injuring you esp. when you fracture easily. He might pull you under a car next time! Harnesses often allow the dog to lean into it and pull harder, they think they’re sled dogs! I didn’t even bother having further X-rays, no point as can’t do owt about it anyway and you still have to deal with it. Also refused AA & Prolia re vile side effects, but works for some, just on Adcal D3, damage limitation and a perfectly trained dog who also helps me round the house. She is getting old and would be impossible to replace, so we’re both hanging on! Good luck with whatever you decided. 🤞
This is not the place to discuss dog training methods but Cesar Milan’s are outdated and cruel. Modern trainers use kindness and rewards not brutality.
Hi Dextersam10,
I am sorry to hear about your predicament. You could always give the nurse on the free helpline a call to discuss. 0808 800 0035
We have a factsheet that explains the difference between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, that you might find useful. strwebstgmedia.blob.core.wi... copy and past this link to see it.
Dextersam10, I don't believe it's too late to turn these conditions around. Bisphosphonates may have a role in some cases however deficiencies in key nutrients can not only result in osteopororsis and arthritis but lead to more hidden sinister health issues. By now many are taking vitamins K2 and vitamin D3 without realizing both are fat soluble as are vitamins A & E meaning a fat like olive oil is needed for their absorption along with using inadequate amounts. Magnesium is another that we are told a good percentage of the population is deficient and without it not only vitamins like B1 and D needing it for their activation but it's critical for balancing calcium. Calcium without magnesium is toxic because otherwise it will go to soft tissue instead of bone. Your bones are made primarily of collagen, so when your body’s collagen production decreases, your bones weaken, making them more susceptible to fracture. Studies show that taking collagen peptides may be helpful in treating and preventing osteoporosis. Please investigate collagen peptides for other benefits as well. I mentioned vitamin B1 earlier and magnesium is needed for activation. Once activated, it along with magnesium are used in the brain and vagus nerve as well as the gut for control of digestion processes so that the sphincter valves, the stomach, pancreas and down the line work in harmony allowing absorption of nutrients especially needed for bone health otherwise would be lost. A form of vitamin E called tocotrienol from annatto is an important bone builder with other attributes should be on your training table. Check out all the benefits annatto tocotrienol offers. Separate taking it by several hours with tocopherol as it will be compromised. Finally, search on nothing boring about boron. Boron is the fifth element and amazing it is. I've been taking it for years after learning about it from Jorge D. Flechas, MD in a video about boron because for one, he said it kept him from loosing height. I'm not blessed with excess height and I've held on to what little I have. It also has a positive effect on arthritis and bone health. I will be 78 soon and I have full range of motion and no arthritis affecting my joints and no osterporosis. Take time in investigate these suggestions and always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
I actually think it’s shocking that you were diagnosed without any proof of a condition such as osteoporosis. I agree with the advice on vitamins and minerals by Pte 82. I’d go that route. I have a friend who was put on drugs for osteoporosis without any check of her calcium. Looking at her diet she has hardly any calcium. I’d avoid having your dog causing falls because that’s not good with or without osteoporosis. Walking is good but avoid falling.
Thank you for your reply first I must stress think may be I didn't explain regarding my dog I have never fallen because my dog pulled me it was because he has only got 3 legs after losing a front one from another dog crashed into him also I have fallen once in 7 yrs but not because of my dog ime very very careful when taking him out because I don't want any accidents or broken bones my prob was how can they give you an infusion for zolodronic acid when I never had a dexa scan when I even offered to pay for it .also it was the infusion that messed me up and I agree with the lovely people on this Webb site have commented I prob have got osteoporosis I am 83 but alwayes been very fit and walked every day with my lovely dog and now I can't do what I used to but not because of the dog my life would be very uneventful without him.i wish you all good health in your journey 😀
At 83 you probably won’t have the bones of a 30 year old but it doesn’t mean you automatically have osteoporosis either. Many don’t have osteoporosis especially if you have walked everyday. Your GP can send you for a Dexa scan and here, in Australia, they are free for over 70 year olds and they likely are where you are too.
Just read your post again and it did sound like your dog was the cause of your injuries. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Hope you find what suits you.