anyone get back pain with osteoporosis and goes off with rest, what is best for pain, I have a appointment with endocrinology on 7th Feb,regarding meds probably zoledronic acid, but it's a while away, I don't know if I am absorbing nutrients like calcium, ppis i am taking lansoprazole 30mgs don't help.
Back pain and severe osteoporosis - Bone Health and O...
Back pain and severe osteoporosis

I would advise you to get in touch with your doctor regarding pain medication for your back and your intake of calcium and Vitamin D. I would also suggest you discuss your ppi medication too with your doctor if you feel it is not working for you.
I got terrible pain in the bottom of my spine when my osteoporosis medication was running out. I was first on Denosumab and have changed to Zoledronic acid infusion both of which stopped the back pain.
Thanks, I am going for blood work tomorrow, the receptionist said gp has sent me a prescription for ad/cal will that be ok before blood work
Good to hear. The prescription for adcal contains calcium and Vitamin D3 which are both essential for healthy bones and teeth so absolutely OK to take. These are prescribed as a matter of course once one has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I had a chat with my doctor and we both agreed that I get enough daily calcium in my diet so I am only prescribed Vitamin D3. For me personally I did not like taking the combined tablet so I was more than happy to only be prescribed Vitamin D3 with my doctors agreement.
hi I get really bad back pain been diagnosed since July 2021 wasn’t given any meds said didn’t need to yet as had no falls etc and not due for a bone density scan till 2024 had one 2021 but pains are every day now worse at night
I would go back to your GP and let him/her know how bad the pain is, lay it on thick (interfering with sleep, giving you poor quality of life etc) and ask for it to be investigated.
I have a dr appointment on the 7/Jan about something else and am going to mention it as I’m a bit worried my osteoporosis is getting worse already and it is interfering with my sleep and when I’m sitting fed up if feeling like this to be fair
thanks can you still do everyday things like house work and gardening, I have been for my morning walk and after about 15mns I start to get backache and a bit breathless are you the same.
hi yes I can still do housework and go to work I work partime it’s worse when I sit or go to bed
good, I have today been given a blood form and it says prior to zoledronic acid/denosumab, my gp has also sent me a prescription for ad/cal,so I have a lot to think about endocrinologist appointment isn't till 7th Feb.
I would strongly suggest that you read up all you can on this forum and the ROS website on the medications they wish to administer. There are pros and cons like with any drug and it is most important to inform ourselves about them.
I really would advise you to call the ROS free helpline next Wednesday or that week at least as it would be much easier for you to chat all this over with a qualified osteoporosis nurse who will listen for as long as you need and answer your questions and provide the information you require before you make any commitment to taking an osteoporosis drug. I wish you well.
That sounds like you'll have a choice between the two medications, not one, then the other. As I said before, if you go on denosumab, if you have to stop it, it's essential to go straight onto another medication, so there's a lot to be said for having zoledronic first, to make sure it suits you.
thanks, yes I will have zoledronic acid, but I have to have dental treatment first. my gp has sent me adcal lemon lozenges can I take these at the same time as my d3 and k2 mk-7
Adcal has Vitamin D and calcium in it, so you may not need the Adcal if you're already taking a good dose of Vit D. Calcium is usually best from diet if possible, though you may be asked to supplement while on zoledronic acid.
gp has just prescribed adcal ,I go for blood work on Monday so that will say if my calcium levels are high or low, I have always thought that the ppi I have been taking for years that I might not absorbing calcium or other nutrients.
If everything is working as it should be, your blood calcium will be in the normal range, even if your calcium intake is low. That's because our bodies prioritise calcium in the blood, keeping it within a very narrow range, so if we don't have enough calcium, our bones lose out. If medication like PPIs reduces absorption, your blood calcium will almost certainly be OK, but your bones may well be missing out. If blood calcium is too high or too low, that can often be a sign of other health problems rather than directly linked to calcium intake.