This sounds amazing. Has anybody any experience with this?
Ostinol: - Bone Health and O...
The studies referred to on the website cite improvements in joint pain and flexibility, ie arthritis not osteoporosis. Sorry to be negative, but I think you'd be wasting your money.
16. In truth and in fact, Defendants possess no competent and reliable scientific
evidence that any Cyplexinol product, taken as directed, provides any of the health benefits
advertised by Defendants, nor are any of the advertised benefits clinically proven.
From a US Federal Trade Commission lawsuit against Zycal.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is what it says below their advertisement for this.
The above sounds pretty damning. Is it likely to be collagen in another form? There’s another new product around that claims to be a modified form of collagen, and better than normal collagen powder, supported by a usually reliable UK doctor. Maybe this should be a new thread, but does anyone here use collagen powder?