I had a spinal compression fracture back in August. Pain eventually became almost non existent until a week or so ago when I did some tai chi. The aching and discomfort is now back. The gp feels it’s because I’m using muscles that I haven’t used for a while but I’m worried it could be a further fracture. Does the discomfort come and go? Also what happens over xrays? Do you have one every time you think there is a new feature?
Returning pain: I had a spinal... - Bone Health and O...
Returning pain

Hi,Sorry to hear you have new pain.
You can never rule out the possibilty of another fracture once havng had one.
I now have 7 spinal fractures possibly 8.
If you think you may have a new fracture then you will need to have it confirmed by having an x ray.
In my own experience once having had a fracture you know when another occurs because of the pain you experience.
Fractures can and do leave people with chronic pain. Once a fracture occurs it changes the shape of the spine.
This effects the muscles and ligaments which have to adapt to the changes.
You could have another fracture or it could be a warning sign that you are going to have another.
On the other hand it may be the changes in the spine.
Please don't make the mistake of when fractures heal to carry on as you did before regarding things such as excersise.
Protect yourself, Do not lift, carry heavy things, do not bend from the waist or twist.
Do not stretch or reach up for things.
All of these actions will put added strain on your spine.
Take care and if you decide to get an x ray (maybe you should) please let me know what the results are.
Flare up of pain does happen. I am suffering a flare up right now. It can often happen without warning. It is very distressing. The ROS has a leaflet on this.
My fracture happened beginning of November last year it is between my shoulder blades and like you my pain levels were very low but this last week I have had a lot of pain. I have gripping pain around my ribs. I feel very frustrated by my inability to do things for myself and also get very worried in case I have another fracture.
You sound so similar to me. Mine is between my shoulders too. Advice seems to be to strengthen muscles to help prevent further fractures, but like you I’m so worried about getting them. Do you take medication now?
Thanks for your reply. I really need some interaction with someone who is going through the same as me. It is a scary time. Yes I take Risedronate once a week and Evacal calcium and vit D, 1 tablet twice a day. I am into 4th week of taking them. I have been seeing a physiotherapist privately for some exercises but it is so expensive I have stopped going now. I am doing the exercises which have helped with the stiffness around the fracture which I was experiencing.
Same. I have just been given Risedronate so I will start taking this weekend. My GP is being v slow. I have a rheumatologist appointment but at the end of April. I did the same with the physio and do those exercises too. And try to walk every day. I feel the muscles in my back are quite tight too from the tension I am holding in there. I am quite horrified how we are left on our own to deal with this. My friend who is diabetic was sent to a special group for four weeks where she talked to nurses and specialists etc. It would be so useful. The ROS helpline in v good if you have questions.
Yes very bad how we are just given diagnosis and left to get on with it. My doctor said to me don’t bend or lift anything heavy, well I think I could figure that at one out myself. Support is definitely needed after diagnosis. It is good to be part of this group and hear other peoples experiences. I have to have a phone consultation with my GP next week as I take the last of the Risedronate tomorrow morning. I am going to ask if he can refer me for physio on NHS.
How are you doing? Have you continued with risedronate my pain seems to come and go but definitely something amiss. Chiropractic rang from surgery so hopefully he may help.
Yes I am continuing with Risedronate, I get random aches and pains on my body and can feel tired but nothing too bad. The side effects seem to be lessened over the weeks. When I spoke to my GP about referral for NHS physio she said that we now have one at the surgery. I went to see him but it was a bit disappointing as he only directed me to the Osteoporosis society Website for their exercises. He didn’t find out where I was at in my recovery, I was hoping for something tailored to my needs. On the upside I am improving my walking and following the ROS exercises as best I can. I agree about being a bit daunting looking at other people’s experiences. Good luck.
Oh I’m glad some positives. Sorry about physio, sadly it seems if you pay you get more. I have my appointment Monday so I’ll see if I get further. So far they haven’t even mentioned the ROS to me!! I’m trying risedronate but I’m not sure. I have bad reflux but a nutritionist I was listening to said use manuka honey which I did this week and it was infinitely better, but I do seem to have horrid hip discomfort the last couple of days, but who knows if that is just the osteoporosis or something else. Like you I get random pains that come and go. But am trying to walk more and have started tai chi again and hopefully with restrictions lifted a little we will be able to go to nicer places. Good luck to you too.
Good luck with your phone appointment. Yes good to look at experiences but sometimes can be a bit daunting.