Having had a long break after stopping Alendronic Acid, I started Risedronate on 2nd June 23.
For the first few weeks I was fine. No noticeable side effects. (After the terrible time with AA you can appreciate I was overjoyed.) However about 3 weeks ago the same symptoms started creeping back. Admittedly in the form of discomfort/pain rather than agony. At first my knees started to hurt, then discomfort getting out of a chair (With AA I used to cry getting out of a chair !) Then my arthritic joints started hurting continuously (as opposed to occasionally) and other finger joints joined in. Now my hips hurt every night again, enough to wake me. As yet I’ve not had the awful shin pains that I had with AA. The pains in my feet which do have other causes, have been greatly exacerbated, just as they did with AA - A curious side effect is that sites of previous injury have been hurting/mild discomfort. I was told that Bisphosphonates can’t cause scar tissue pain, but this seems odd given that it’s starting again. A new symptom is gut discomfort, which I didn’t have with AA, and my Acid Reflux appears to be worse (Co-incidence ?) The guts are the same level of discomfort every day, not just when I take the weekly pill.
Whilst at the moment these things can be tolerated, they are making me “worn and miserable” particularly now that my sleep is very disturbed again.
I feel I’ve got to make a choice about stopping:- Can you “stop/start” with Risedronate and maintain some benefit whilst reducing symptoms ?
I don’t really know what to do next. I’m utterly terrified of all the 6 monthly injections. I know they aren’t Bisphosphanates, but I’m not keen because 1) if you have side effects you can’t stop them 2) rebound; To come off them you have to take Bisphosphanates (Covid proved that getting access your next shot isn’t always under your own control)
I suppose I’m looking for opinions, and to see if others have had all these problems. (I do take calcium, K, D etc and moderate targeted exercises)
Thanks for reading the rant 😀