I have had one injection of prolia...I am worried about rebound fractures, as i will not be taking another injection. My side effects are horrible. Is it safe to just quit? Do I need a relay drug. Just want information from.other who went through the same thing.
Prolia and rebound fractures - Bone Health and O...
Prolia and rebound fractures

I have read, although I can't put my hands on the reference just now, that one injection is all right. After two, that is when you would need to replace the denosumab with something else if you decided to stop taking it.
It's in this article, under a heading Can you stop taking Prolia:
It's in the section headed "Can you stop taking Prolia"
Hi there,
I have also had one injection of Prolia and because of side effects have decided no more.(Interested to know what side effects you have had or still having)
We are in exactly the same boat and although I have only had the one injection I am not going to take the risk of having more fractures (I already have 4 possibly 5) I am currently waiting to hear back from the hospital to see what to have next.
I have always been told by the specialist that if you stop Prolia you will need to go onto something else.
I also had this confirmed by the ROS who have advised me to get something put in place for when my next Prolia injection would be due.
Their advice was not to leave it more than 1 to 2 weeks.
I also only took one dose of Prolia because of the side effects. I had no repercussions from stopping I understand that only happens after a few shots
After one infusion, I've heard it's OK to quit, but there are a lot of people on this site who can give you a lot of good advice regarding this. I wouldn't touch any of these awful bones meds with a 10-foot pole...I think they should all be taken off the market.
I’ve stopped after 1 prolia and so far ok - now 9 months post injection.
That is good to know. Thank you