Hi, Just looking for some advice as regards taking alendronic acid or risedronate acid. The story so far:
I have had GCA for 11 years. I went along to a talk, some years ago, by a highly regards Surrey rheumy who stated you should never be on AA for longer than 5 years without having a 6 months break. I, at that point, had been on it for over 7 years!! I consequently took a 6 month break but was then put back on to AA. Recently, after 10 years of taking AA, I started getting stomach problems and a persistent cough. At this point I had an endoscopy which showed I had esophagitis possibly caused by the AA and acid reflux. My highly respected rheumy then decided I should move over to risedronate acid as apparently, it was easier to tolerate.
On top of this I had kidney stones difficulties two years ago and was told to stop taking my Ad-cal as it might have led to the kidney stones due to the calcium content. So I have only been taking vitamin D tablets since then. I am on 11 mgs of pred. at the moment and struggle to get much lower.
Any thoughts most welcome!