I have a slightly complicated matter. I am seeing an endocrinologist privately with Spire Health. I required a referral from my GP but I am seeing him completely privately and paying for private treatment. This endocrinologist recommended (but didn't order) a repeat scan from one which was undertaken by the Nuffield Health (also paid for privately). The neurologist that I had previously seen from the Nuffield referred me for this scan (because he had the initial one on record and so was able to order an exact replica). I don't want him to send the results to my GP, only to the recommending endocrinologist as he is investigating this as I have had problems with my GP regarding this issue and it will only complicate matters. The neurologist has already sent it out (albeit to my previous GP because the initial scan was undertaken so long ago and he has nothing to do with my new problem) and my previous GP surgery have told me that they will send it back to where it has come from when it arrives. Do I have the legal right to ask for him not to send it on to the GP and only the endo? The only technical glitch I can think of is that my current GP did refer me to see the endo so perhaps he could argue that it must go back to the initial referral for the investigation. Yet I know that the endocrinologist will include all necessary results in his report to my GP.
Can I ask a private doctor not to sen... - Bone Health and O...
Can I ask a private doctor not to send my results to my GP?

You can ask but it is generally considered good practice for doctors to keep other doctors involved in your care up to date with tests results and recommended treatment etc. If they are sending the results to your Endocrinologist they may be alright about not including your GP in the first instance.
Perhaps you need to find a way of addressing the issues with your GP? I know it can be hard, but they are supposed to work with you in partnership!
I could write pages subject but suffice it to say that my GP practice has not been proactive in helping me (that would be putting it extremely mildly and politely). I have had horrific symptoms and every single step that has been taken (even private referrals) has been difficult. I've seen 3 in the same practice and 2 of them implied for months that it was all in my head (didn't work as I have no history of mental health problems, certainly not psychosis and the last thing on file for me was a virus in 2003). Then my boyfriend would come with me and my GP started to take me more seriously. Now she is telling me these symptoms which have ruined my life (I won't go into my story now but it is horrific) have been verified but the cause will never be explained (I know what the cause is - it was in reaction to an unlicensed acne product I used topically that I shouldn't have been prescribed - the oral form of which is currently being banned in the UK). I can't be treated without cause establishment, hence I have had to spend thousands in seeing private doctors. I have an occupational health assessment soon and luckily my endo is good but I don't want the GP to write anything up and draw her own conclusions without the specialist involved.
But back on topic - thank you for your reply. They have definitely sent it to the endocrinologist who will write all up in the context of his report. My question is: because my GP did not refer me for this scan in particular - does the law uphold my right to ask for it not to be disclosed?
I think for a legal question like that you would need advice - and support - from a medical lawyer. A doctor is more likely to be thought negligent by not informing your GP but your circumstances sound quite unusual. You could do a search for case law. The law society has a list of solicitors and what area of law they practice in. Hope it all works out for you.