I am only 61 yrs old and just found out that my osteoporosis has worsened. My t score is T-3.8. How can I improve this score with what kind of exercises. Doctor order me shots for 2 years.
Can I improve my osteoporosis in my back - Bone Health and O...
Can I improve my osteoporosis in my back

I am new to this so no good advice but I've been looking on the Canadian Osteoporosis society website and they have good information about exercise. I am going to do the exercises they recommend through the week. Sorry to hear things have got worse.
I’m much the same as you, aged 62, -3.69 in my spine, not on meds, want to do more back exercises. Go to gym 3 times a week, waiting for place on Physio gym, do home exercises from Physio, but would like to do more.
Interested in replies, as nurses told me it won’t be possible at my age to improve my spine T score. Hope I can.
Hi, can I ask, do either of you have any vertebral fractures? The reason I ask is because I have 4 (last count) and my back is so painful I daren't do some spine exercises.

No, I don’t have any vertebral fractures. Will check with my trainers and Gp about buying a weighted vest.

I don't know whether I've had any vertebral fractures. I've had a lot of pain in upper spine but I don't know the cause. The Canadian Oseoporosis society has good advice for exercise for different stages of the condition. There are simple things you can do in your home including spine sparing advice. If you watch the videos it gives good ideas which you can then discuss with someone with a specialism in osteoporosis. It sounds like it's best to have an individualised approach.
Get medical advice before doing this, but I have a weighted walking vest. It is designed so you can add ingots one at a time. Each ingot weights something like 2 ounces. So you can start with barely anything and very gradually accustom yourself to carrying the weight then add more very slowly. Each additional bit of weight challenges the bones to make more bone, the effect of weightbearing exercise. There are some weighted vests where each additional weight is considerably more, and these might work for someone who doesn't already have back injury, but I personally wouldn't use one like that, even though I have no vertebral fractures. I am, however, very happy with the one I bought, and adding a couple of ounces at a time is imperceptible.