I'm new here and my t-score for lumbar spine is -5.4. Doc very concerned, referred me to endocrinologist who wants me to take daily sub cutaneous Forteo injections. anyone else doing that? Any info *HIGHLY* appreciated. Thanks.
Forteo: I'm new here and my t-score for... - Bone Health and O...

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Hi,I'm not no expert ,but it seems to be a marvellous drug. I've been on it for about six months ,but due to chronic stomach pain ( not caused by Forsteo) it enforced my pain,so I'm now off it.
Yesterday I was given a link to the National Osteoperosis Society which has all the information you need give it a try. They are experienced nurses you can talk to. nos.org.uk/about-Osteoperosis

thank you
I researched at great length before going on any medication and it is by far the best! I have been taking it for 2 months and I’m fine, maybe a bit of lightheadedness that’s all! Taking the injection is not a problem it’s quick and easy. There’s been good results from it as both the osteoblasts and the osteoclasts work together, not like biphosphonates that only encourage the osteoclasts. The nurses that I have been involved with have all sung it’s praises after their training on it. Apparently you can only take it for 2 years but I’m hoping things will change. Anyway, I hope this helps
Hi Lilita. I’ve not hear of this drug/injection before and it sounds interesting as my lumbar spine is -4.9. It’s the lowest I’ve heard of until coming across yours. I wonder if your GP/ NHS is paying for the injections? I imagine it’s the most expensive treatment out there? I’d be very interested to know since I will have to be on a treatment plan very soon and I wonder whether my GP will authorise payments for it. Good luck with it!
Here is the NOS link about the drug Teriparatide/Forsteo (Forteo in the US):
If you are offered this drug, you can only be on it for two years maximum and then need to continue with another OP drug to maintain the gains.
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