i wound up in the hospital last wk because i couldnt poop so embrasseing im afraid it will happen again
me again: i wound up in the hospital... - Blue Faery Liver ...
me again

Don't be embarrassed. It happens. What all are you taking for constipation or to make sure you can go? Jimmy had Hepatic Encephalopathy so of course he was on lactulose which s supposed to make you go. But because he was also on Dilaudid, Morphine and had a Fentanyl patch, he had opioid constipation. So he was on Movantik for that. Even with those two he still had to take Miralax and a stool softener every day and also another laxative pill as needed. He needed to have at least three bowel movements a day to keep the liver toxins from building up in his brain and possibly causing an HE episode. Some days he got so frustrated with the diarrhea the lactulose often caused that he'd refuse to take all the laxative stuff. You can guess what would happen then. He be ever had to go to the hospital but it was close several times. Instead he'd have to let me give him an enema which he hated and also listen to his nurse threaten to remove the impacted poop if he hadn't gone by the time she came back the next morning. It was so hard because it seemed we could never find a happy medium between the two. I know it embarrassed him to have to wear the "pull-ups" in case he had an accident but the constipation caused such bigger issues. Does the doctor have you taking Miralax, etc ? If you're on an opiate pain medication you may want to ask about Movantik. When he was first diagnosed and only on one pain medication, the Movantik along with the lactulose was all he needed. It just became more of a problem as more opiates were added and his eating habits and drinking fluids weren't consistent. Sorry I wrote a book but please don't be embarrassed because both extremes do happen. I would ask your doctor what they suggest to help the problem especially if you're not taking anything for constipation. Good luck and never hesitate to ask about anything that worries you.
Sharon Dixon ❤️
ty i am on senna 8.6mg i have been eating prunes and drinking water
i ran out of my stool sofenters thats all i got
Yes I think Senna was the laxative they had him taking. I know it's often so hard to afford everything you need to have. I hate to even think how much everything he was taking added up to each month. We were fortunate that after the HCC diagnosis, he was able to get Medicaid so we had no out of pocket on RX. The Lenvema was $24,000 a month when he was n it. 💔 The Movantik was like $2000 a month for the opioid constipation. It was hard getting all the non prescription things he needed like the stool softener, laxative, protein shakes, pull-ups, any Rx Medicaid wouldn't cover, etc . At least when he went on Hospice they provided all of that for us. Hopefully you can get some more of the stool softener. Maybe ask the nurse or Dr if Miralax or something similar might help. I remember I had to give him that every morning. Sharon ❤️

It happens all the time. Unfortunately, too many meds cause constipation. I put Miralax (the generic stuff at Costco is cheaper) in my coffee every day. Just enough so I have at least one bowel movement a day. I also drink 60oz+ of water every day.
I've had constipation my entire life. Except for when I had Grave's Disease (hyperthyroidism). My worst moment: pooping all over myself in the hospital as I was standing up to go to the bathroom. I was mortified. But it's a common symptom of that disease and a kind female nurse helped me clean up.

That was kinda the beginning of my journey. I never, ever had constipation like that & believe I'm getting over telling that part of my story 😆 even though, it is embarrassing. Hopefully, whatever regimen they came up with for you is helping 🤞🤞

Hi. Just thought I'd check in to see how you're doing. ❤️Sharon Dixon

I'm also hanging in there. My stomach bug is better. Now I'm just hoping I can get the ball rolling on my health issue in a timely manner. I didn't pick a good time of year to decide to face reality. Hoping you have a good end to this year and a better coming year. ❤️Sharon Dixon