Good morning everyone. I haven't posted in the past few weeks. As some of you know, Jimmy had decided to discontinue treatment. Well when we saw oncologist last, he talked him into giving Lenvima another try at lower dose. So we started it again. The first time he took it he got sores in his mouth and couldn't eat. This time after about a week, he suddenly had ulcers/ sores appearing on his legs, chest, etc. Took him to primary Dr because some were starting to get infected. So back off Lenvima, on Doxycycline and Silvadene cream for the sores. It's been a week and saw primary AGAIN yesterday and sores appear like they are healing.
Other good news is the MRI that oncologist and GI had wanted of brain and upper spine showed no cancer. He's been having headaches, dizziness, blurry vision and neck pain. They were worried about a met. He did pick up new glasses and that's seemed to help with headache and vision problems. Had to get bifocals.
On the downside, he's lost a couple more pounds and his stomach seems more swollen. I had noticed it but he'd tried to say he was eating too many snacks. Well the Dr scales blew that theory. His abdomen was pretty tender too. Primary told me to call GI for an appointment. He's in our small town. Liver specialist is almost two hours away so we are GI specialist more. He's out of office this week but Jimmy has appointment on Monday to see him. Then back to primary on Tuesday. They'd had to lower his dose of lasix because he was getting terrible leg cramps during the night. May have to tweak that if he's retaining more fluid. Please keep us in your prayers.