Hi have been on blod pressure meds for about 9 weeks 6 weeks on alodipine 5mg and 3 on lercanidipine 10mg I am getting spells of weakness and light headed several times a day since going on meds I have changed my diet from day one of taking the meds and reduced my salt intake big time is it possible I am not getting enough salt and this is causing the weakness anyone had the same experience
Salt INTAKE: Hi have been on blod... - High Blood Pressu...

Being from the field of mechanical engineering, all I can say is that taking more or less salt does have an influence on BP, but not above 0,5%. It is so naive from MDs to believe that salt intake can be responsible for the result of actually disturbed BP regulation from the side of Autonomous Nervous System. Like our sight deteriorates with ageing, starting somewhere at 45 yo, the other regulations in our bodies also get poorer, including BP regulation and even the regulation of body part position (shaky hands, head etc.). It is well known that all the excess salt gets eliminated from the body via urine, so relax about salt intake. Wishing you all the best! P.
Thanks for the reply I myself am in the engineering business I have started to introduce salt back into my diet and also adding small amount to my drinking water I have a feeling that by cutting away down on salt dradrastically that what has been causing my weakness and maybe some of the other side effects to early to be sure but will post an update of the results if ananything changes
When you already are from the field of engineering, I will tell you more. BP is the parameter of secondary importance in the body. What is important and is regulated, is the blood flow-rate, which is transporting nutrients and oxygen to all our tissues. If, with the ageing, the fine blood vessels get clogged, the pressure at the outlet of the pump must get higher, in the course to maintain flowrate. If, by the prescription of the DRs, you start taking medications (working mostly via reduction of the HR), then the flow-rate will go down, BP will go down, and your tissues, including the brain, will remain without nourishment. Long term, you are contributing to your health getting poorer. For that reason, I refuse taking BP medication and feel perfectly fine at BP say 180/85 or similar (72 yo). Of course, the decision is all yours.
Just to add to that I would say everyone's case is different of course. BP may be a patient's only medical issue, or there may be other comorbidities and overall a holistic view of the patient is needed. I agree the decision lies with the patient but there can be a number of individual factors to consider and it takes nerve to go against medical advice and be confident we've made the right decision, speaking personally that is!
What you are saying makes sence my short term goal is to get of the meds totaly other than a chest infection I was doing fine didnt have blood pressure problems but the doctor put me on antibiotic and steroids to clear a chest infection I have since read that antibiotics and steriods can raise BP then when they randomly took my pressure one day it was high and that started this roller coaster nightmare of bp pills and their side effects plus anxiety I just want my life back
I am on no medication despite pretty regular bouts of Atrial Fibrillation every night (refused anticoagulants also). I got BP medication forcibly (when trying to renew my driver's license, at 65 yo, I was caught at BP 190/120), but do not take it. A close friend takes his prescribed medication and feels poorly.
Very many people have complained about high and uncontrolled BP after having received magic water for COV-18. If you are elderly, high BP is kinda normal, as I said before, and does not need any other cause. May I ask you about your age?
Thanks for your reply it is very encouraging I am 66 dont drink or dont smoke and pretty active through my work
Here interesting information... Hope it's allowed...
Have a nice day!
how is your blood pressure now ? I had a similar experience and they reduced my medication and took them away altogether ( which I was surprised about) . Feeling good though .. it’s been 6 weeks and BP is still under control
Hi Darlington glad to hear you have been able to get of meds you must have a very good doctor who is willing to think outside the box I have to be honest and say I have not taken my blood pressure in over a week as I was having ananxiety over taking it so my readings were always high but I will have to take it this week as I am having a small operation on a tooth/gum this Thursday when they took you of the meds did you wean off or just stop totally and were there any withdrawal symptoms this is a great site where we can share and encourage each other God bless
I’ve read your post and the very interesting replies.
What does lie within your own responsibility is your diet, exercise and so on. I think the reason the nutritionists say that salt should be modified is that the western diet is already too loaded with salt.
I thought my salt intake was low, but realised that my favourite non alcoholic drink other than water, tomato juice, has quite a bit of salt in.
Salt is particularly hidden in manufactured foods, so keeping to freshly prepared meals would be good.
my diastolic drops somewhat on Amlodopine which makes me light headed but if I go off them I am Back up again a little too high I have fiddled with my dosage and seems to be settling
Some interesting replies here. And a lot of good information. After being on Lisinopril for a few years, my pressure would occasionally drop very low. I cut my pills in half for a while, but the pressure drops would still happen. So I stopped completely and everything is fine. No more high BP. Not sure why, and I was between doctors, so I never found out why it returned to normal. Just had blood tests with a new doctor and everything still looks good EXCEPT, my SODIUM was low. Not dangerously low, but the doctor did tell me to start taking more. So there might be some connection.
Hi 29METAL. I suffer from fatigue all the time for other reasons. But when my pressure dropped, it was suddenly increased to the point of barely able to walk. And I have two blood pressure devices at home. The arm band type in the bedroom. And the cuff type at my desk. It returned to normal, so I didn't go to the hospital or anything. And I am between doctors right now, still searching for a good one, so all I had was the internet for information.