prescribed 5mg Amlodopine started taking 6 days ago, BP 165/94 today anyone advise how long this dosage takes to work ? Have a review with GP in 3 weeks. Thank you
Amlodopine - New to: prescribed 5mg... - High Blood Pressu...
Amlodopine - New to

Depends on your starting point!
I was at 180, and Amlodipine 5mg got me down to 140 within a few days.
Although they say it takes a fortnight to be effective.
Don't let them just increase the Amlodipine when you go back.
I was given Olmersatin 10mg to get me down to the 120s, and to avoid side effects from increasing the one type of med.
Good luck.
Ps-- never take your first reading. Take 4 readings, disregard the first one and accept the average of the last 3.
you might find it helpful to go to the website of Blood Pressure UK, the specialist charity.
Amlodipine was the last BP med to be added to the several I already take and it did the trick. It worked quickly for me, just a few days. Everyone is different though and I agree with the advice to take your BP more than once. Some relaxation techniques before taking your BP also helped me quite a bit.
I was given 5 mg amlodipine after suffering a TIA when my BP had risen to over 200. It brought by systolic down to 170 in a matter of hours and then continued to lower it over the next couple of weeks. Because it was still quite high, the dosage was increased to 10 mg which resulted in horrible flushing and swelling of legs and ankles. Dose was changed back to 5 mg and candesartan added. After a few days, my BP settled at around 135/70. As Madlegs1 mentioned, it is better to have another type of med added rather than to raise the amlodipine to 10 mg because of the side effects.
thank you for your reply. Ive only been on 5 mg since 30April and because I'm going away for a few weeks I asked my GP if my stats could be reviewed earlier than the 4 wks but, all she has done is increase my dose to10mg ! I think 9 days is far to early to double it so, Im going to carry on taking 5mg even if it means cutting the 10mg in half, am taking my monitor away with me so can check it daily.