Hello Peeps,
I recently went up from 1.25mg indapamide daily (half 2.5mg pill esch day) to 1.5mg indapamide extended release.
Fairly quickly I noticed a low volume pulsating humming sound at home, particularly in the evenings that sounded a bit like there was an engine running. I even asked neighbours, and put something out on my community facebook page to see if they could hear the same?!
Gradually I realised that I was suffering from a form of tinnitus, and started getting some anxiety, palpitations, aches and pains and felt a bit spacey also.
I have now reduced back to 1.25mg and low and behold suddenly feel much better.
Has anybody out there had similar experiences with indapamide???
Interesting that a relatively small increase of dosage should cause such an increase in side effects…