swollen fingers : hi I recently was... - High Blood Pressu...

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swollen fingers

Nat107 profile image
34 Replies

hi I recently was diagnosed with high bp and am now taking felopidine once in morning.

my fingers and feet calf’s are frequently swelling and can’t get my rings off, could it be to do with blood pressure as I don’t have review till end of year and my bp is still raised as I have a machine I purchased myself tia x

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Nat107 profile image
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34 Replies
Eviedog12 profile image

Hi there, my ankles were swollen on this drug. It's a known side effect. Tell your GP and he or she will try something else.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Eviedog12

Thank you very much didn’t no it was side effect

Eviedog12 profile image
Eviedog12 in reply to Nat107

Sadly many of the BP meds have side effects. They put me on rampiril but the cough that went with it was awful, so I'm now on Losartan, no probs at all. Sometimes it's the fillers the manufacturers put in that can cause issues. Different manufacturers producing the same drug can also be a problem

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Eviedog12

Prob going to have to go through trial & error aren’t I which is going to be a pain trying one till find one to suit me 🙈

Eviedog12 profile image
Eviedog12 in reply to Nat107

It can be, but it's worth it. Losartan helps with protecting my kidneys as I have CkD. Since taking it, my gfr is stable. Everyone is different but you will get there

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Eviedog12

Pharmacist changed meds to Ramipril

Eviedog12 profile image
Eviedog12 in reply to Nat107

Try it, but beware you may develop a really annoying cough. Good luck, it's really trial and error

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Eviedog12

That’s exactly what he said, and to let them no if I do and take it from there, must say only been off the Felodipine couple days and feel much more comfortable but Bp is sky high start new tablets in couple days

tykesammy profile image

Hi Nat107, Go back before your review if you are not happy with things.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Will do thank you

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

Nat107, I have HBP, and I have tried just about all of them, and my doctor's just think I am a mad woman, because they make me feel so unwell. But I was diagnosed with multi intolerance to BP meds by a Professor Lobo in London, but it cost me to find that out !!! In my case I was deemed as a nuisance patient I believe, because doctor's have not a clue how these meds affect some people, such as me. It is a tough one for me, and I have been referred to Bristol Heart Institute what will come of that I don't know. But I have spent 5 years of my life going back and forth to doctor's ,because I simply could not cope with the awful side effects. I know most people can take a BP pill everyday, and for them it works, I so wish I could do that.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

that’s terrible for you, and doctors should really understand that people are all different and don’t tolerate certain medication that well, I do hope you find the right combination to help you, my journey is just beginning

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

Thank you Nat107, I just want to say never be fobbed of by your doctor's, because they think they can cure all with one tablet, and I so wish I could do that. I might come across as one of those people who just complain about everything, I don't, I was on BP meds after I had my first child, and I was 17, I continued to take a tablet which was called Amias, which I now know is Candasartan, but through all those years were fine, or did I even need them ? No doctor even question it. It wasn't until I entered peri-menopause, and suddenly I was walking my dog's on a winter day, and I could not breath properly, I said to my hubby, I think I have a chest infection or something. It turned out it was the BP med Candasartan causing my breathing issue's, but for 5 years I was put on 2 inhaler's for asthma, which I didn't have !!! Sorry to go on but boy I have learnt a whole lot about medications. x

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Bloomin el youv had a lot to Co tend with, I’m not a person who will be fobbed off by doctors, Iv had many a journey with my thyroid, and I do have asthma which was before the Bp meds, checking my Bp it has only gone slightly down still raised so not even helping that! but recently my breathing has gone quite worse so just wondering now if it could be the felofipine making it worse, god we take a tablet to try help one condition & end up with another it’s so annoying isn’t it

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

Forgot to say I am now 67, and still having issue's

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Bloomin eck what a long journey that’s been and progression of new meds havnt even helped you, I’m sure I read recently about a new injection fior Bp that’s low in side effects,

Happyrosie profile image

also, your doctor’s surgery or group of surgeries if you are in the UK probably employs a pharmacist, so you could have a word with them.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Happyrosie

Hi thank you yes my surgery does have a pharmacist, he actually does the yearly medication review too

I now have a phone apointment with him end of week to discuss alternatives

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Happyrosie

Pharmacist has changed my Bp meds to Ramipril

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

Hi Nat107, I have been on Ramipril twice, and had to come off of them twice, the cough you get with this shite is so not good. I wish with all my heart you don't have that problem x

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Oh god, il probably get it as seems to be a common side affect, see how long it on these for 🙈

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

It took my BP down, but that cough was just awful. Wish you luck tho. x

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to tykesammy

What I don't get is how a BP med, can cause so many many problems, and yet our doctor's don't ever own up to the fact. For me these meds are pretty toxic, they may put your bp right, but cause you so many other unwanted problems,

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Yeh I no, can affect kidneys can’t they have to get bloods done in 2 weeks, make fuzzy and lightheaded, but I go like that anyway just hate trialling new tablets, he hasn’t even heard of the Bp Injection I mention to him once in 6 months, asked about going on that but he had only know a cholesterol one x

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

I truly have wasted 5-6 years going on this drug and another, with my doctor thinking I am just making a fuss about nothing, and boy I am so tired, and yet my hubby takes amlopodine without any side effects whatsoever. How I wish I could pop one everyday and feel ok. For me, am I repeating myself, sorry If I am, everything in me changed with menopause, and I am so very in tune with how I feel, so yeah not great.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

No I totally get what your saying and your doctor shouldn’t even think you are making a fuss, it isn’t nothing it’s your health, only you no how you feel and are on certain tablet, we are all different are t we what’s ok fir one may not be as good for another, I just hope I haven't got a long way to go in finding one that suits me, my mums been on numerous Bp meds over the years and none have seemed to stabilise her Blood pressure and she’s got diabetes and state 3 kidney disease, had heart block & fitted pacemaker , just hope I’m a bit more luckier, and hope you are too very soon, maybe champion the new Bp injection once available x

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

Sorry for your mum, my mum too had BP and diabetes, and pacemaker. But she lived till she was 88, until the dreaded dementia. But I feel it is good to chat about all these tablet issues, and doctors do not like us to go on the internet, simply because we learn too much. Sending all good things.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Totally agree with that, some tend to get annoyed at us having most information needed to push for the best we are entitled too in regards to our health and knowledge is wealth, thank god we have the internet and not just have to go along with the doctors doctor knows best! Not always the case unless you have a good Gp which mine are quite good to be honest so I feel sorry for you, but don’t give up even if it does become trying at time, best wishes to you x

tykesammy profile image
tykesammy in reply to Nat107

Nat107, Thank you, but I never give up, I have seen them cock up too often lol.

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Needs must these days isn’t it if you want the best for your health, we no our own bodies best

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

That’s not good is it, coughs are so annoying il be getting in touch as soon as I get one if I do x

tykesammy profile image

Hi Nat 107, Blimey I saw an earlier post of your's, you have been thro the mill too girl. So sorry. x

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to tykesammy

Pharmacist changed meds to Ramipril

Nat107 profile image

I certainly have and still no answers

UPDATE: doctor has stopped the felopidine and pharmacist is phoning me later in week to discuss alternatives Bp meds

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