Hi everyone,
So I've got 2 monitors that keep giving me totally different Systolic readings. I've tested them on my brother and they are both within 2 points for him - the other night, one machine ready 162/100 and 5 minutes later, the other read 160/100.
However, whenever I do it, it's always 15-20 points difference for Systolic - one reads 161/95 for example and the other 141/93. Then one will read 151/90 and the other 131/91
Anyway, as they keep giving me a 15-20 point difference I took both machines in to our doctors
Saw a nurse and tried explaining to her how I don't think there's anything wrong with the machines as other family members, the readings are identical on both. It's just me that gets the 15-20 point Systolic difference
I wanted her to do a manual reading and reading on one machine and right down the difference. And then a manual reading and reading on the other and write down the difference so I could see which is giving the closest Systolic reading for me
She was so sharp though point blank refused to do a reading on the older machine (even though it's giving identical readings to the new one for other family members), told me to just throw it in the bin!
I did a reading on the new machine and it came out as 171/110, she tested and just goes yeah 170/100
I have social anxiety and generalised anxiety and feel so stupid. She seemed quite annoyed me being there tbh and part of me thinks she probably just saw the reading on the new machine and told me it was correct because she was so adamant that was correct and refused to even do a reading on the older one and told me to bin it