In the UK we are advised by NHS 111 or our GP to head to the A&E department if our blood pressure spikes greater than 180/120 and there are one or more additional symptoms.
This happened to me twice in the past 6 months (never happened before this in 20 years). The first time it hit around 250/120 and it caused nose bleeding and dizziness and the second time just general dizziness.
Both times I was checked out in A&E - ECG, blood tests etc and both times everything absolutely fine. Despite the consultant in A&E confirming that 180/120 plus one or more symptoms was indeed the correct guideline and my GP was correct in his advise, I did question afterwards whether or not I should have made the trip to A&E or just gone straight to bed instead.
I am sure blood pressure spikes over 180/120 lasting a few hours are very common so what have people done in the same situation? Have you headed for A&E or taken a more relaxed view of things?