Drop in blood pressure: Hi. I've just... - High Blood Pressu...

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Drop in blood pressure

LaurieRose profile image
15 Replies

Hi. I've just do.e round from feeling extremely sleepy and scared and like everything slowed down. Normally I'm quite anxious mentally hyper but exhausted physically with a high blood pressure with exercise. My reading that bfvtook for me as I was unable to do it myself at the time (20 mins ago) was 106/56 should I be concerned do o need to go to a and e or just rest?

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LaurieRose profile image
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15 Replies
grace111 profile image

I would see the doctor for reassurance. i can assure you thats not high blood pressure. they say normal blood pressure is 120/80 but it can vary quite a bit. anything below this reading is not high, dont worry. love grace oxoxo

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to grace111

Thanks I will go tomorrow I don't want to gobunless emergency to a and e. Yes I am concerned about it being low and even though just a little low and the no machine says optimal it's not good to have a big drop mines normally 130/90 sort of range and I feel very different. So yes will definitely follow your advice and go to Drs. X

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to LaurieRose

let me know how you get on please. wishing you well, love grace xoxo

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to grace111

Hi Grace, I didn't wake up in time to make an appointment. I've gone sleepy again just now and light headache, nowhere near as bad as yesterday. so just taking it easy. A letter came through from cardiology for respiratory testing, this morning. that's on July 27th so I will try and hang on till then. hope you're well. Whats happening with you? xoxoxo

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to LaurieRose

I understand your concern. I too am a bit high strung with lots of nervous energy and on the verge of having high blood pressure.

Recently I had a similar scare. I woke up and felt a funny pain in my arm. I got up and felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. I took my blood pressure and it was 150/100 which was really high for me. I took it again and this time it was 138/90. I took it one more time and it dropped to 90/50. Of course, being the anxious person I am, I panicked. I went to the hospital because of the other symptoms I was having-dizzy, arm pain etc. and because it went from higher than normal to abnormally low in a matter of minutes.

After lots of testing They told me it was just stress. However, It ended up that it was really shingles starting to surface in my body. My regular doctor said the infection was causing the extreme high and low.

Dehydration, infections and allergic reactions can cause a sudden drop. Please make sure to drink plenty of water. If it were me, I would monitor it. If you see any further drop or if stays consistently low and if you get clammy, start getting confused or have problems breathing, get to a hospital etc. I don't know where you live, but in the states we have urgent care that you can get into without an appt.

It is probably a result of the headache you mentioned, and I'm guessing if you keep testing it throughout the day, you will see that it rises back up to normal, but it is wise to keep your eye on it and get it checked out when you can. That way when you see it going back to normal, you won't worry.

By the way, you might want to listen to a nice meditation video on YouTube - they are free and will help relieve some of the stress!

Sending you lots of comforting relaxing thoughts and many blessings!

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to LaurieRose

If you can manage to wait without worrying to much, but im a worrier and would probably go to the doctor. you can phone and get a callback or go to the nurse usually the same day that you call if its going to worry you . Iv got high blood pressure one of my last readings that i remember was 172/92 and i just took it about an hour ago and it was 145/71 which is not to bad at all. the thing is i was ill for over two years with a gallstone stuck in my bile duct i was ill for a year before i got it dealt with and its taken a year to recover so iv been very inactive for at least 2 years. I was out today and had a 35minute walk but i did feel quite anxious myself and thats why i took my blood pressure and i was expecting it to be really high and i got a real surprise that it had gone down so much thats the lowest reading i'v had for a year.i decided to phone the nurse about a month ago and i went a few times and the reading were high as iv metioned and so she sent me to the doctor who has made an appointement for me to wear a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours so im waiting to hear from the hospital for that, i think i will go for a walk every day now as i feel motivated after getting that result and see if it helps my blood pressure as im not over weight and my cholesterol was only 3.5 which is quite good. I dread the thought of taking blood pressure medication as i'v heard so many bad things about it. My doctor said it cant be that bad as no one would take it, so i suppose she has a point. I had to have a 5 hour operation a year ago to get my bile duct recontructed and 1/4 of my liver had atrophied because the stone had been in there so long and had been infected, so they had to cut the whole bile duct away and make a new one for other tissue. I have changed my diet and try my best to cook all my meals from scratch and not take any microwave food or processed food. except rice crispies and a few other things but not many i am going to give up the rice crispies soon as they have so much sugar in them and iv stopped buying sugar completely. i feel so much better its quite amazing . im 66 ,please keep in touch and let me know how you get on, take care love grace xoxoxo

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to grace111

Hi Grace, Aw you've been through a lot. but definitely sounds like you're coming through the other side. sounds like you've helped yourself greatly with the walking and healthier eating. Fab on the cholesterol reading and not being overweight, less strain on your heart. I believe it can be natural for bp to fluctuate quite a bit, it's probably only if it's a rapid drop or increase that it's problematic. Obviously regularly too much one way or the other needs to be treated. I am still suffering a bit, not overly worried now thanks to being on here. My headache wont budge but of course I haven't taken any painkillers, I'm going to in a minute.

I hope in the long run you are feeling better after the bile duct operation. It makes you think about your health more when these things happen and sometimes you can end up with a healthier lifestyle than before that's the positive. Take care thanks for posting back again. Your posts lift my mood, xoxoxo

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to grace111

Hi Grace,

I'm glad the changes you've made are working and making you feel better. I started taking a higher dosage of magnesium- 300mg and my blood pressure has dropped to normal ranges this week. So, you might consider adding that to your diet.

I was worried as well about side effects of medicine, but my brother and several friends are on it and all are doing fine, so I have decided to quit worrying if I have to go on it.

Hope your blood pressure stays in the normal zone and you continue in your way back to even better than before your surgery!!!

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Zazzel

I took it again this morning and it was a good bit higher but i wasnt feeling well this morning and thats not a good time to take it. i have slept all day. i wanted to go for a walk but iv had to reign myself in and say no, as its not good to go out when your not well its better to take it easy and drink lots of fluids which i am doing hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and i will get out and about. i eat loads of food with magnesium in it and i have also got a spray that you spray on your body its called better you magnesium oil it relaxes and repairs the muscles and is the ultimate way to replenish magnesium so it says on the bottle anyway, thanks for your lovely message i did appreciate it and its good to know that other people are taking it and they are doing okay on it, love grace xoxoxo

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to grace111

Hi Grace,

I hope you feel better soon!

LaurieRose profile image
LaurieRose in reply to grace111

Ooh I've never heard if the oil. Hope you can manage to get out soon. Best wishes xxxx

LaurieRose profile image

As I hope you have recovered from the shingles. Yes the no going up and down in itself is confusing but worth keeping an eye on. I drink lots of water...i have a water app on my phone to remind me. I feel like water is my medicine since it really helped me feel better after last time in hospital. It's become a habit now. I haven't taken my no again yet I'm too scared too...i expect that sounds silly. I must be ok today because I've had the energy to go tree climbing in the park and I only feel a little dizzy. Yes I'm a keen fan of meditation and asmr on your e very relaxing. I also find watercolour painting relaxing.hope you are well best wishes and thanks for the help. Xx

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to LaurieRose

Hi LaurieRose,

Actually, that doesn't sound silly at all. After my incident, I avoided it for awhile as well, but recently I had several weeks of really high blood pressures 170/96, so I started monitoring it throughout the day and made an appt with my doctor and decided to accept the fact that I would need medication, but then I increased my magnesium supplement and started doing meditation and the last few weeks it dropped down to normal. Of course, I already had my doctor appt scheduled so I'll discuss it all with her.

Glad you are feeling better, but sorry about the headaches. They can be such a burden. Hope they are cleared up by now!

LaurieRose profile image

Hi Zazzel. Thank you. I'm feeling better than I was now. I will be having a cardiology appointment on 27th July, so I'm less anxious about dying now.

Are you taking blood pressure medication from the Dr as well as magnesium supplements? How much do you take? Sounds as though you fit the right balance now that your blood pressure isn't soaring I'm pleased it worked. I'm a fan of meditation too, sometimes I forget about it when having mini panicky attacks though.

I'd love yo just be able to do a detox and take no medication at all. I swear half my ailments are side effects lol. Anyway thank the Lord for the happy days. Hope your health continues to improve. Xxx

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to LaurieRose

Glad to hear you are seeing a doctor soon. Unfortunately my blood pressure rose again. it is a by product of kidney disease which I have, so all of the good things I'm doing for myself help me, but don't seem to be fixing it. I was put on medication and started last night. My blood pressure was fine today, just a little headache as a side effect which I'm hoping will go away once I'm used to it.

Keep us posted on your appointment!

Hope your health continues to improve as well!

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