Hello I wonder if people could give me some advice I have been on blood pressure medications for many years for a long time recently I have been on losartan 50 mg felodipine 5 mg although these have changed around a lot over the years lately I have suffered from quite bad anxiety due to mysterious back pains that I have been having . Suddenly my blood pressure has started to become very high and out of control and the doctor change my medication again and gave me propanolol which seem to help my anxiety a lot however it only worked for a limited time and I had a bad period of hypertensive crisis and ended up in A&E although they did nothing my blood pressure was about 225/110 I saw the doctor again and they have changed me to atenolol 100mg in addition to my other meds I also take 75 mcgs of levothyroxine .
That pains in the back on now a lot better and I have found out I parathyroid hormone level is too high and this is being dealt so I am not worried about that and I don't know why my anxiety levels are still high the doctor gave me citalopram but that pushed my blood pressure up as well so I am now scared to take an antidepressant however I keep having spikes in my blood pressure and this is really worrying me the doctor says I should not worry too much about that at the moment although I get the most horrendous headaches and the atenolol I will really spacing me out so feeling at the end of my tether keep going back to the doctors but they don't seem to do a lot don't know whether I should see a specialist in hypertension to sort my meds out I don't think that these spikes in blood pressure are good for me I would be so grateful if anybody had some advice they could give me thank you very much