Hi. I hit the top of my head against a wooden beam when standing up. Since then i have had numerous issues with balance, heart rate palpatations, irratic blood pressure and pulsatile tinnitus. Read that i may have caused upper cervical spine instability, which can damage the Vagus nerve. Anyone else experienced this.
Erratic blood pressure. : Hi. I hit the... - High Blood Pressu...
Erratic blood pressure.

we’ll I’ve had bangs on the head and tinnitus. But I wonder what telling of my medical issues would help with yours? What do expect from your post? We’ll see if we can help.
I suspect that the person is hoping for some support from people and perhaps some information from people who have had similar experiences?!
absolutely - but what help?
any help you or anyone else is able to offer. If we can’t offer support then it’s probably better not to respond.
totally, figster. If a poster simply makes a statement and asks if anyone else has had it, yes they are, presumably, asking for something; but it’s impossible to ascertain what help is needed from that original statement. For example, the poster might be writing from his/her bed having been just discharged from a stay in hospital, or s/he might be consulting Dr Google and wondering if s/he should contact a medical professional. We cannot tell. Thus, if such a statement is too vague to make an adequate response then an attempt to find out what help could be needed is indicated.
Hi bryzy69. You need to see your GP and get this checked out. It may be that an osteopath could help but I would definitely see the GP first.
Its very interesting what you are asking.
I have pain in my neck that is, I'm suspecting affecting my vagus nerve too. Therefore impacting my blood pressure.
My high blood pressure is unexplainable. No high cholesterol or blood sugar.
My heart health is good. Kidneys are fine too.
Been seen by a cardiologist.
I thought I might have cervical radiculopathy. And have been seen by a nerve specialist.
I have been told I have carpel tunnal. I believe this is a complication of a trapped nerve in my neck. I would need a MRI to confirm. Its a long process I'm hoping to get to the bottom of it.
I have been advised to do stretches with my neck and it really does help.
You might have an injury, where your nerves may be affected.
I hope you get it sorted. Best of luck.