I have been having regular checks with my GP and nurse and am take meds now,my doctor has suggested increasing the dose but I said I will continue with eating a more healthy diet for now.I have managed to lose weight and my BP has lowered a little.The nurse takes 3 measures and each one is different ,I guess it must be the Envirnoment and me feeling under stress,just wanted to know if this happens to others when they visit their GP or nurse
Blood pressure: I have been having... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood pressure

Hi Scrit1,
I have been at my g/ps two weeks ago ,whilst there my BP was up Andi was asked to monitor 2 X in the morning s and 2 X in the evenings.
Been back today ,gp pleased with readings.i asked if my meds could be reviewed,they said yes if I lose weight and excercise.
Spurred me to act .
Take care
They call it the white coat syndrome. It's very common for people to have higher blood pressure when seeing their doctor. If you don't already have a home monitoring system, I would suggest getting one. They are usually under $40 US dollars. I use a free app called the BP Companion to keep track of my blood pressure. It gives you history charts so you can easily see if you blood pressure is going up or down.
There are also some homeopathic options you can try such as drinking hibiscus tea daily. Of course it's always best to consult a doctor before trying any new supplements or homeopathic remedies.
It's interesting as well about how food and environmental factors can affect your bp especially if you are sensitive to such things. I have many food intolerances and allergies. Recently my bp went up by 40 points for over a week. I realized I had started drinking Kombuchi. Not sure of it was the caffeine, black tea or combination of the ingredients, but as soon as I stopped drinking it, by blood pressure dropped. That's why it's important to take your bp regularly at home. I would never have figured that out had I waited to get my bp taken at the doctor's office.
Good luck!
Thank you Zazzel,
I bought a monitor and also the tea,I do understand re the white coat syndrome as it always reads higher at the GPsurgery.Thank you for you suggestions and I will continue to monitor
Someone on one of these sites suggested half a freshly squeezed lemon juice with hot water (and a little honey to sweeten if you need it), first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. I didn't expect it to work but it lowered my BP! I was so ill on Amlodopine that I came off it. I have found that many people on BP drugs (esp. this one) feel they are getting aches and pains in their joints (I got a shoulder bursa and tendonitis in my outer thigh and could hardly walk or lift anything, still have problems 6 months off it) so you need to be aware of anything detrimental happening slowly and building up. The GPs do not believe you when you blame the pills but specialists tend to know about these awful side effects. Try staying on fresh salads and exercising (beetroot is said to help lower BP too), monitor your own BP and when you BP comes down, and try coming off the pills (with your doctor's agreement). Good Luck!
hi scrit you should consider buying your own bp kit not a cheap one get one from a pharmacy and take it three times in the morning you take an average of the three reading ---------regarding the increase in bp meds doctors do that for fear it rises too much you will be more confident after a month after you have your own independent readings ---------once you have got your monthly average in the bp area yo will just need to take it once a month and tell your gp to increase the meds or decrease the meds regards ed