I took my blood pressure and it read 145/78 does it mean l have hypertension it does run in the family my mother has it uncle grandmother and Aunts if it runs in the family does that mean l have it or can get it help please
Blood pressure : I took my blood... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood pressure

The top number could be you were a little stressed or had been busy, its best under 140, the bottom number is excellent. Take it again when relaxed maybe take it 3 times with a few minutes between making sure you are not tensed up, if you are concerned check with your GP for reassurance. Dont worry BP isnt a disease but can run in families, you cant take one reading for a decision, it's usually taken around 3 times over a period of time.
I also have irregular heart beats skipped beats flip flopping it pauses races it’s all over the place when I stand up my heart jumps to 140bpm and l also get really dizzy what can it be thanks for the reply
Have you been told you have irregular heartbeats by your Doctor? I really would advise you speak to your GP as you seem anxious and probably for no reason. We know nothing of your history or medication, dont stress about things speak to your GP
I see my cardiologist tomorrow for the the first visit I had a few episodes of AFib though l will find out tomorrow my diagnosis
That's good you will be a lot wiser to all your questions. I believe Artrial Fibrillation is very common, some needing treatment some not, I know someone who recently had treatment for this and it put his heart into a normal pace, so be encouraged 👍I hope you can stay relaxed before your appointment ..easier said than done I know we find it so easy to stress, especially about the unknown but tomorrow you will have answers and can feel more controlled about things....remember to ask questions so you can be more informed. Hopefully this will be something and nothing, will be thinking about you
I wish it was that easy will try not to let my anxiety take over but sometimes I can’t control it it just takes control sometimes it sometimes feel uncontrollable l just can’t take this anymore l had a episode 15 minutes ago it just comes out of nowhere you don’t know when and where it will happen it feels uncontrollable at times I’m at my wits with it thank you so much for the reply Deni52 maybe we can keep in touch
anxiety is a deciever it can grip us when we dont even know if there is a problem! when the worry goes the anxiety can vanish, deep breathing, relaxation, sleep as you will know can help it may not seem as if it's working but baby steps do help. Be sure to explain how you feel to the consultant tomorrow so he can build up a picture of what is happening and help in the right way, also it will be good for you to talk and give your input to sorting this, it may give you some strength and positivity.
Thank you for advice it helps a lot it is good to have someone support you I’m glad to be apart of this group
there are good people here, it's always good to talk to someone who has been or is in your shoes...you can even get to have a laugh about things and that's a kick up the backside to anxiety 🤣
Thank you for the support there we’re times that l wanted to give up l didn’t care about anything l would get so angry and frustrated about a month ago I punched the wall and really messed up my knuckles real bad l didn’t break it l just sprained it bad it hurted like hell but l didn’t care l was just so over myself I hated myself but I’m over that I’m doing a lot better as far as my anger I’m dealing with it life throws you curve balls and everything thank you again I’ll keep you updated
PS meant to ask if you take an anti-coagulant?
What’s that
It’s an important type of medication to reduce the stroke risk which is high with AF. Look at the AFA website and work out your CHADsVasc score to see if you should be taking this. If you want to direct message me with your phone number I will ring you to discuss I founded the arrhythmia support group in Epsom ( website is Surrey ASG)
I got my diagnosis l got AFib I’m relieved now
😁😁 hope you consultant was sympathetic to your concerns and you feel more understanding about what is going on 😁😁😁😁
Yes she was very upfront with me she explained everything she explained the symptoms tests and the medication l’ll be taken My diagnosis is Atrial Flutter l had a bunch of tests the first test was an EKG and I was having a episode when it was taken l didn’t think it would show up on the ekg l had a Cardiogram ultrasound of the heart on the ultrasound it showed leaky valves back flow of blood also called mitral valve regurgitation where as the valves don’t close properly which could’ve attributed to some of the symptoms l have l also had a stress test to see how much stress my heart can take l failed that test the medication l got prescribed are diazepam and warfarin a blood thinner I’m not trying to stay on medication for the rest of my life at least I can be at ease now cause I have a diagnosis thank you for the reply
Hi Dee,
I have AF too and wonder if you have joined the AF health unlocked forum too? It's very helpful. Agree with the others here about takes several times and if you get stressed play some soothing music- I have done this while walking and it settles my BP down.
I just hope l get answers cause l need to have the weight off my shoulders
Atrial fibrillation (AF or afib) is a type of heart rhythm disorder, or arrhythmia. It causes your heart to beat very quickly, and your heart’s upper and lower chambers not to work together properly. Afib begins in the upper chambers of your heart, known as the atria.
My Dad took a pill everyday for years , as his heart would beat too fast.