Hi about 4 weeks ago I went for a eye test after experiencing blues vision they said my eyes were swollen and said I had to go to hospital for test the eye doc took my blood pressure and went into a panic said I couldn't go home my bp was 300/200 and had to be admitted ended up in hdu for 7 days while they ran tests and brought my bp down. ..........turned out I had had a stroke bleeding behind my eye the doc said I was a walking time bomb. ......got transferred to ward gave me so many tablets now trying to find a reason. ..... done 24 hr pee test taken blood got a mri scan and eye test and appointments with docs so frustrating the pills are the worse part feel dizzy all the time body aches all the time and no energy also found out I have underactive thyroid so on tablets for that as well just thought I would share what am going through at the min only 33 feel like a 70 year old ....
Blood pressure 300/200: Hi about... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood pressure 300/200

Wow, what a high b/pressure, I'm surprised you didn't have more symptoms apart from the eyes. I do hope you will soon feel better, please let us know how you get on.
Yeah so we're the docs they said I've prob had it for a while my body had adjusted..... good job I went to get my eyes tested.
Perhaps you had thyroid problems for a long while and over time it caused high blood pressure, ? like you said "Thank God you got your eyes tested"
Because my thyroid is under active that's not the problem quite a few of my family members have thyroid problems my mum is overactive which can cause high bp they think it's my kidneys or my adrenal gland .......or it could be just high blood pressure for no reason .
Blurred vision sorry
I feel for you and trust your health will improve .Keep your chin up and try to find something positive in each day.This too will pass and you will soon be feeling heaps better. Thinking of you and wishing you a happy healthy future it will happen have faith.
I hope they find out the cause of your problem soon good luck
Have you been checked for Pheochromocytoma and Fibromuscular Dysplasia? Blood pressure that high doesn't "just happen". My BP went over 300/200 and it caused me to stop breathing and had a severe grand mall seizure until I turned blue and passed out. It caused my brain to swell and I knew nothing (coma) for 3 days! I'm still looking for answers...please let me know what you find out.
I've had so many test ct scan mri scan on my brain which showed bleeding from high bp most have come bk clear I had low potassium while in hospital I've done 3 24 hr pee tests waiting for results had blood taken I've got a mri scan on the 10th I see my consultant on the 30th guess I will find out more then .....sorry to hear you've been so poorly the only symptom I had was a blurry eye felt well when I was in hospital hope your feeling better now. ...will keep you informed. .
got my heart scan results bk today all is fine have mild lvh which will hopefully get better in time now my bp is more under control yey !!
Ah so sorry your going through the mill!. Have to say it all takes time to get the right levels of medicine sorted but at least it is all being looked at. So just carry on your doing fine.Ive been there and know how you feel.! Wendys1 x
stephie what does lvh stand for...
it's my left side of my heart that has thickened part of my high bp because my heart has had to work harder for a long time to cope with the high blood pressure but now my bp is more in control it should sort itself out.
hi ..have only just read your message ... I hope everything is alot calmer for you now xx
yeah still waiting on a few results blood tests more or less under control may have to add another tablet hopefully not fingers crossed ........ thanks for the message take care
stephie120782 madam how are you now ?
hello thanks for asking yeah am doing ok... never found a reason for my high blood pressure I had about 6 months of tests for everything. ....I take alot of tablets 7 a day morning n evening the worse thing is the side effects from the tablets so just recently trying different type .......also this past week I cant get my bp to come down where it should be my highest reading this week was 205/135 but it shoots up and come bk down quite quickly. ...so not sure what's going on there at the min my bp is 143/95 ......bet your glad you asked ha !! gunna give my gp a call tomorrow as see what he says ......think it's to do with trying a new tablet but other than that just get on living. ...loving .....life x
still not gd !! ramipril has been upped to 5mg and another tablet has been upped to 20mg it still spikes high not much difference went t see the docs 2 weeks ago he said If it's no better I have to see the consultant seeing doc Thurs see what happens !! ....
just thought I would give a update after trying to get my bp down since July with not much luck the docs have decided to send me Back to the cardiologist to see what they can do.......... as now I'm on highest dose on all the 4 types of tablets I take n the doc doesn't know what the best next step should be so in a way om quite pleased as it been frustrating also having a doc appointment every 2/3 weeks blood tests ect .....hopefully now will get something sorted .....fingers crossed
Just read your posts. Hope you are feeling better and have more answers now🙏
I had a pressure of 349/315 using a prototype Omron bp device developed to measure pressures over 300 systolic.
My BP was discovered by my eye doctor too. When I went to the clinic I was 246/133. Scary stuff! I developed blind spots due to vessels bursting in my eyes. The damage is permanent but the blood spots were gone at my next eye exam...
This is really a unusually high BP. Thank god you survived. Get in root cause analysis of what is a cause for such high BP.
Like you my body has adapted to my pressure being so high. If my blood pressure goes below 210/120 l feel horrible. All my hypertension caused is mild aortic stenosis and high venous blood pressure. My diastolic pressure was once over 3300.Imagine the cuff fully inflated and not one sound audible.
Omron is coming out with a digital device that records pressures over 300mm. My wife was part of the beta test and it read pressures of 340/320. Supposedly it can record pressures of over 400 systolic. It also takes bps in both arms simultaneously. This may be good for you.
wow its nice to know that I'm not the only person with stupidly high bp ....fortunate for me my bp can read normal now not always ......it took me a year m a half for my body to get used to a normal bp it effected my mood tiredness side effects of tablets at the time it was a nightmare ... luck for me my bp has only caused lvh soooo lucky ....
Hi Stephie, The same thing happened to me in March.Having had a normal reading two years before I had 244/133 at A and E.I am 55 but it has all been a big shock.On ramipril and amlodipine at the moment, which I hate but the blood pressure is down. Sending you warm wishes.
hello it's scary stuff. .....took me a while to get used to side effects of the tablets ect...... hope your feeling better here if you need to chat ask questions ect wish you good health
My systolic was 304 last week . my mean arterial pressure was 268. Diastolic 230.
We need serious answers. I found this by searching " damage from bps over 300". I too went through all the tests with no conclusions, totaly debilitating reactions to meds, even had a med Raise my bp, then adding and adding dosages and additional types when i maxed out allowable daily doses. All 10 yrs ago. Gave up. One med effected my muscles, 1 leg callapsed in the middle of walking..then layed down and my heart STOPPED beating..once...twice....things went black and complete silence ...then about the third one it beat again. Spent the night awake in a chair afraid to sleep or walk. Well with taking nothing i run 190s or 180s im still alive but left atea of heart enlarged, (but i had rhumatic fever as child), lots of eye issues, and today found bp at 230 so im worried. Just wondering, i had an event where my bp was in the 300s prior to my blood pressure going from perfect to crazy 200s, could that event, which caused my kidneys not to work a few days, could it have contributed to Why the bp changed to so high, permanently.
I was a volunteer subject for a pressure cuff designed to measure pressures over 300mm. Mine skyrocketed to 345/309 during weight lifting.
I had a similar thing. Mine was just a headache I couldn’t shift, so I bought a bp monitor and my readings were 250/130 thereabouts, in hospital 280/170. 40 years old, normal weight, physically okay. Three years on and I’m still trying to get it controlled taking five meds so far for it nothing seems to give what’s regarded as a normal bp sadly.